Chapter 5. Hot Mess

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Do you know how insanely awkward it is to drive in a car with your boyfriend who you are currently not speaking to? If you have never experienced it, let me tell you that it is hands down the most awkward thing you will ever do. Especially when the only reason you're in the car is because your other friend had called you and said she found a dead body.

Stiles was gripping the steering wheel tightly, his jaw clenched shut as he kept his eyes focused on the road. He's pissed at me for how I handled the whole situation back at Derek's loft, and I'm pissed at him for how he handled the situation as well. He can't just expect me to not try and see if Scott's okay because I could possibly be put at risk. He seems to think that because we're in a relationship now he can tell me what to do, and that isn't the case at all.

When Stiles pulled up beside Lydia's car at the community pool, I slid out of the jeep quickly-- trying my best to avoid an awkward conversation with him. As I power walked my way over to our strawberry blonde friend, she was shaking as she kept her back facing the pool.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as I glanced over at the pool, I didn't see a body but I did see a large puddle of blood at the edge of the pool.

She nodded, "I'm okay, over there... not so okay."

My eyes followed where she had pointed and that's when the body came into view, it was in the lifeguard post and it appeared to be a teenage guy. Stiles approached us and glanced at the body, "Alright I'm gonna call my dad."

"I already called 911." Lydia interjected.

My boyfriend gaped at her, "You called them before you called us?"

"I'm supposed to call you first?" She asked in confusion.

"YES!" He shouted as he fished his phone out of his pocket angrily and stormed off to the side, no doubt calling my brother. He made it out of the bank alive, he had called us afterwards telling us that Boyd and Cora escaped and they were on the hunt or whatnot. It was a big ordeal.

Lydia rose an eyebrow in question, "Why is he yelling at me?"

"He's pissed that we had a disagreement... it's nothing personal against you, I promise." I assured her.

Stiles scoffed, "Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the freaking shining over here, if two girls come out of the woods asking me to play with them forever, I wouldn't be surprised.....make sure it's them? Scott who else is ripping throat out?"

I watched him in confusion as he paced around anxiously, he kept glancing up at the body wearily. Then he pulled the phone down from his ear and took a step closer to the body, checking the wounds I guess.

Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't Cora or Boyd that did this. I mean, why the hell would they kill a lifeguard? I don't know why, but I just have this feeling that it wasn't them. It's the same feeling I had when people kept telling me that Lydia was a werewolf, when I knew she wasn't. Oh god that can't be good...

Stiles swallowed thickly as he pulled the phone back up to his ear, "I'm pretty sure it was them. The throat was ripped out." He replied before hanging up the phone and glancing at the body again. Oh he was thinking something.

"You know you two didn't have to follow me home," Lydia retorted as Stiles and myself trailed behind her into her bedroom, she flicked on the lights and tossed her coat onto the chair by her vanity. I awkwardly hung her purse on the handle of her closet and then turned to face her, "We just wanted to make sure you got in okay."

Lydia plopped down on her bed and glanced at Stiles and myself, "I had a police escort."

"I know the inner-workings of that force and they aren't nearly as reliable as you would like to think." Stiles pointed out.

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