Chapter 13. A Connection and Kidnapping

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"I'm gonna run some food to mom at the hospital.." Scott said as he popped his head in the doorway to my bedroom. I was sitting at my desk, my fingers dancing on my keyboard as I tried to find any information on what the hell a Darach is and why it sacrifices people. I'm good at research, but I'm not Stiles. 

I nodded my head, "Okay." 

"And that means you're gonna be here alone..." He added, I'm not quite sure why he felt the need to tell me that. I knew it meant I was going to be alone, I'm not stupid. 

Again, I nodded, "Okay."

He sighed in annoyance, "Kasey I don't want you by yourself, so you need to call Stiles and have him come over here or you need to go to his house."

"Scott I'll be fine for a few-" 

I was cut off when his hand pushed my laptop screen down, him and his freaking wolf powers. He's lucky he is so stealthy, if I would have sensed him behind me I could have thrown an elbow back and knocked the wind out of him. 

"That was rude and unnecessary." I muttered as I turned in my chair so I could face him. He had an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face. 

"Call your boyfriend," 

I narrowed my eyes in annoyance, "I can be by myself ya'know. When has anything remotely catastrophic happened to me when I was by myself?" 

"Uh let's see, there was the time when you were attacked by Peter because you just had to leave the dance to go pee, or the time when you drank yourself into a hormonal state and trashed the living room, let's not forget when you were left to text Jackson's parents and completely gave us all away when you ended the text message with 'I love you', I mean the list goes on and on, Kasey." Scott dead-panned. 

"Okay, true, but whenever Stiles and I are together-- the situations aren't ever any less catastrophic, if you want to get technical." I pointed out as I stood from my chair and went to retrieve my cell phone from my bed. 

Scott nodded, "Yeah but I feel a hell of a lot better knowing that you two are together." 

"I appreciate the concern bro, I do, but you do realize that by making me spend more time with Stiles, it potentially could put a strain on our relationship." I stated as I sat down on my bed, eyeing Scott wearily. 

He quirked an eyebrow, "How would that put a strain on your relationship? You two can't go twenty minutes without even speaking to each other."

"Now that is not true," I argued as I crossed my arms over my chest, "I can go at least an hour. I was saying that if we keep spending all this time together we are bound to get sick of one another. I mean let's be real here, Stiles and I are probably two of the most annoying people on the planet." 

My brother chuckled, "I'll give you that.. but please just call him and have him pick you up or whatever. It's not like you weren't planning on hanging out with him tonight anyway."

"I'll have you know that I was actually dedicating my evening to research on the whole Darach subject that you keep avoiding." I stated adamantly. 

He sighed as he walked back towards my door, "Just call or text him. If you won't, I will." With that said he strolled out of my room, laughing quietly as he headed down the stairs. 

If he had a car instead of that stupid bike, then we both could have gone to the hospital, but no-- he had to go out and buy that stupid motorcycle thing that gets on my damn nerves. He rev's it every freaking night and I can't stand that stupid sound much longer. My cell phone then began to ring, and upon looking at the screen, I saw that it was Stiles calling me. 

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