Chapter 36. Already Taken

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"So what are you saying?" my mom asked my dad as we drove in his Range Rover to where he had the notion that Stiles was. He had said that what I had written gave him a solid lead and he wanted to follow through.

My dad sighed as he gripped the wheel with one hand, "I'm saying the real question might be, how do we know that he's not still asleep?"

"You mean he's been asleep the whole time?" she asked as she gave him a questioning look.

I nodded, "People who sleepwalk can do pretty bizarre things. I have personal experience."

"Yeah. One guy goes down to the kitchen and cooks an entire meal. Another guy is found mowing his lawn, naked." he added, supporting my point.

My mom glanced at the two of us, "Why does any of that matter?"

"Remember that townhouse apartment we lived in? There was that one night that I came home drunk-" I didn't miss the glance he threw my way as he said these words.

"Oh, one night?" my mom cut him off with a sarcastic glance. I knew I had gotten it from someone in the family.

My dad sighed, "Let me finish. So, I'm drunk. Passed out on the bed. I get up to go to the bathroom, then all of a sudden I hear you yelling, 'What the hell are you doing?' to me."

"Because you were in the closet peeing into the laundry basket." she said with a slight hint of humor in her tone.

I've never seen my parents get along this well since they got a divorce. It was unsettling and it was making me even more on edge, have they forgotten that I'm in the backseat on the verge of a panic attack because my boyfriend is missing?

"Yeah, I thought it was the bathroom." my dad argued.

My mom rubbed at the side of her head, "Oh no, you were drunk off your ass."

"Yeah, but I was convinced it was the bathroom." he stated.

I pushed myself closer to the gap in between their seats, "So the point of the story is that you think Stiles is convinced he's in some kind of basement, when he actually isn't?"

"Yes, exactly. I think he was still asleep when he called you, and I think he's still asleep now." my dad said as he flicked on the turn signal.

My mom sighed, "And where is Stiles, then?"

"I have an idea about that too. Kasey actually had the idea first." he answered her, he then turned into an all too familiar place. The Beacon Hills Reserve.

My eyes widened, "He is in the woods."

"When you said that, the idea stuck in my mind and then when you said his eyes were hurting... I thought about how we had just sprayed down that repellant by the coyote den." he said as he pulled the keys form the ignition.

I grabbed a flashlight out of the trunk and bolted out of the car, my mom and dad were behind me, yelling at me to slow down, but I knew exactly where I was going. I knew where he was and I was going to run my ass off until I found him. I told him that I would find him and I intend on keeping that promise.

I had slid down the hill that I had fallen down before, the first night we were here, my eyes taking in the beaten down car jut a few feet ahead of me. I was close. My parents were far enough in the distance to where their voices were a faint echo now.

"Everyone has it, but no one can lose it..." I halted in my tracks as that voice infiltrated my brain. I haven't heard it since the night that Stiles woke up from the sacrifice. The voice that was telling me to kiss him and connect myself to him. The voice that was telling me to make him regret leaving me, to cause him pain.

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