Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 1: The Dare

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Picture of Tanner Malign

"Hey Tris, truth or dare?" My best friend Tanner leaned backward on the couch across from me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes,

"Dare. What are we, twelve?"

"I dare you to hang out with the faggot for a month."

"What?? Hell no! Why would I even want to do that?!" I shrieked.

"Simple, get him to think you ditched us for him, think you actually give a shit about his pathetic little life. Find out all you can, take note on every little weakness, then ditch him and come back, then we crush the remainder of his life. Sounds good right?" I gave him a sly smirk and Hunter chuckled uncontrollably from the kitchen door,

"Tanner you're a freaking genius." Oh great, he was drunk.

"I know." Tanner smirked and spun around on the couch until he was lying with his feet on the back of it and his head hanging upside down off of the cushion, hands tucked behind his head. "I'm the best."

I rolled my eyes and let out a loud sigh. It was a good idea, I had to admit. The kid they were talking about is the same kid my friends and I beat up all the time. Weird kid if I do say so myself. If we hit him, he yells as if we had shot him. He flinches at everything and also never fights back. I don't know why everyone is scared of him when he's even more scared of them. Maybe they're just not interested.

I'm not quite sure why Tanner likes to beat him up so much, he's never done anything to anyone. I mean, sure, we pick on other kids here and there, but every time we pass the poor kid in the hall, either Tanner or I have to beat the shit out of him.

Rumors say he's gay, everyone believes it, including me. Though I've never seen him with a guy. Or a girl for that matter, in fact, he's always alone. Sometimes I wonder if he has any friends at all.

Another thing too, he never voluntarily showed his face. Sometimes here and there Tanner will be pissy enough to pull his hood off and punch his face, but other than that, never. Never got a good look at his face, but I know he's pretty damn skinny. I've never seen him eat stuff at school, I'm not sure why that is, but whatever. Like I said, weird kid.

I shrugged off my thoughts and snapped back to the present. I looked up at Tanner, who was somehow fast asleep in the same position that I had last seen him. His head hanging from the couch, face red and mouth wide open with his maroon-colored bangs hanging hopelessly from his wrinkled forehead.

I scoffed and stood up, hitting his head so it flopped to the side. He groaned, but didn't wake up. He was such a heavy sleeper, especially when he was drunk off his ass, which he was. It was annoying. Hunter snickered from the doorway and rolled his eyes.

"So I guess you two idiots are sleeping over now?" I glared at the shorter boy in front of me and he winked,

"You know it babe." He joked, knowing that I hated it when anyone called me babe, including my best friends (who did it all the time just to annoy me). He laughed when I punched his shoulder and went to sit in the chair I was just sitting in. "Get some sleep, tomorrow ya gotta make a new friend hm?" He smirked and sat down in the over-sized arm chair that immediately engulfed his somewhat small body.

"Shut the hell up, you're drunk." I growled, fed up with his shit. I didn't want to do the dare, but I had to. The three of us, it's a rule to always do everything we dare each other to do. Kind of the same thing as keeping promises, but much more unpleasant.

I trudged up the stairs, grumbling to myself about how I didn't want to do it. But I know I had to. It couldn't be all that bad, right? The kid will warm up to him easily, he has no friends as far as I knew. Kids like that are easy to manipulate like this 'cause they wanna have a friend. Which is kind of sad actually, especially if I'm just gonna betray him, but I'll get over it.

It'll be quick and easy, the mysterious gay kid will be drawn in by my boyish good looks and charm, then I'll close in on my prey. Yeah, sounds easy enough.

Plus, what is he gonna do? Ignore me?

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