Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 21: And so it begins pt. 2

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||This chapter sucks but I'm too lazy to fix it rn sorry||


After what seemed like ages, Easton pulled up in front of the house and got out of the car, meeting me in the driveway.


"Yes. I want to kill this son of a bitch." I growled.

We walked to the door and Easton knocked loudly.

"Open up, sir! The police!"

The door opened almost immediately, revealing an old looking man who was obviously wasted.

"What do you damn cops want?" He spat, gripping the neck of a bottle of Wiskey.

"Sir, you're under arrest for child abuse. Along with alcohol and drug use without a legal permit. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law." Easton recited those words as if he had said them so many times he would die if he had to say them again. He handcuffed the man and turned him toward me.

I grabbed his collar and glared at him, "Where the fuck did they take Colton?!"

He looked stunned for a second, then smirked slightly, "So you're the faggot my little slut has been hanging around? Sorry for you, but they left an hour ago. Probably enjoying your little boyfriend's company at a motel or some shit. I'll tell ya, before we left, they took the little toy for a test drive. Britishh peoples are fuckin brutal hahaha." He slurred. I punched him in the face, hard, and yelled at him,

"Where the fuck are they headed?! Tell me before I kill you!" I screamed in his face, anger burning in my throat and chest.

"Their damn flight is in New York so they been drivin there since like an hour ago now lemme go ya assholes."

"Thanks, Easton. I owe you one." I said quickly as I ran back to the car. I got in quickly and immediately felt mom and Dylan's eyes on me.

"D-Did you f-find where they're taking him...?"

"Yeah I did, Dyl. Don't worry, we're gonna get him back." At that, Dylan smiled and sat back while I started the car. I drove so fast my mom was yelling at me for possibly getting a ticket.

I assume they're driving a truck. Trucks drive slow. I knew these roads. Mom and I used to drive these at least three times a year. If it was any other route, I would have lost him.

"I'm coming baby, hang on." I whispered under my breath.

After what seemed like hours of driving, I spotted a truck stop. I immediately turned onto the exit and pulled into it. There were so many trucks.

I parked and got out of the car without a word to my mom. I dialed Hunter's number again as I walked into the store. "Hunter I need you to tell Easton to figure out what truck left the Preed house two hours ago and I need him to tell me exactly where it is right now."

"He's one step ahead of you, dude. They're driving to the nearest airport at the moment."

" far away is it from this dumpy truck stop?"

"How should I know"

I sighed impatiently and muttered a quick thank you, then rushed back to the car.

"Where are we going now?" Mom asked.

"The nearest airport."

"I-I thought you said they were gonna go t-to New York..."

"Guess they were too lazy. Lucky for us." I drove as fast as legally possible. Luckily the closest airport was only about two to three hours away.

Easton texted me a picture of the two men that kidnapped my baby. He also told me that he contacted some of his friends to help me out with finding them.

When we got to the airport, I parked and told my mom and Dylan to stay in the car. I didn't need them in danger too.

When I walked inside, I looked around, everywhere. There were so many people. Something that caught my eye, however was a very suspicious looking man looking around and sneaking through the crowd. I followed him, hoping he would lead me to my boyfriend.

The man walked outside to where the private airplanes were parked. I saw a large truck park near one of the airplanes and two guys get out. I squinted my eyes to get a better look from how far away I was. And there they were. The two motherfuckers that took my innocent boyfriend away from me.

Right then I felt like snapping their necks, but I knew I had to stay calm about this. I dialed Easton's number that I had just gotten from the text he sent me.


"Tell your friends to meet me where the private jets are. Hurry please." I hung up the phone and watched as the two men that got out of the truck talked to a man that came out of the airplane.

After a few minutes, the two went to the back of the truck and pushed it open. I almost lost it. Colton was hanging from the top of the trailer by his wrists, blood trailing down his arms.

A man climbed into the truck and suddenly started beating him. It took all of my power to stay in one spot as Colton was crying out in pain.

Finally, the security guards of the airport ran outside, passing me and running to them, their guns pointed at the men and yelling for them to put their hands up.

At that, I ran as fast as I possibly could. I saw Colton make eye contact with me and start to struggle. I ran to the truck and jumped inside, rushing to him and trying to get him free. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I desperately tried to get him down. Finally, one of the security guards, probably one of Easton's friends, yelled my name.

I stopped and looked back, he threw me the keys and smiled at me. I stuffed the key into the handcuffs and finally got him loose. Too weak to stand, he fell limp right into my arms. He held onto me like I was his lifeline, and I held him as tight as I possibly could without hurting him.

"I'm here, I'm here, baby. You're safe. I love you so fucking much. I will never ever let anything ever happen to you again. Oh god, Colton I was so scared..." I cried, burying my face into his hair.

"I'm so sorry..." He whispered quietly. "I-I m-made a mistake...I'm so sorry...I don't want to be h-hurt anymore..."

"You will never get hurt by anyone ever again, baby. I swear to god I got you and I will never let you go again." I kissed his forehead and held him close.

The security guards arrested the men and helped me out of the truck. One reached out to help Colton, but he flinched away, terrified. I walked up to him and held him close, to calm him down. He held onto me tight and I lifted him into my arms, kissing his nose.

"Come on, beautiful. Let's go home." He buried his face in the crook of my neck and kissed my skin, tears sliding off of his cheeks and onto my shoulder.

"I love you so much..." He whispered before his body became heavier and his breathing became slower, telling me that he either passed out of fell asleep. I was hoping for the latter.

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