Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 17: Safe

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I sat in complete silence after he left. Fear had immediately taken over my entire body when his presence left the room. I was terrified to be alone. I always have been.

Suck it up Colton, you're such a fucking whimp.

I sighed. The voice was back again.

I swear to god you should just fucking slit your wrists already! Why do you stay?? You know you're gonna be sold like the little prostitute you are anyway. Just kill yourself, it's not like anyone would care. You should just-

"Im back!" A cheerful voice announced. I jumped and quickly looked up at the boy standing on the other side of the room. He was holding a white bowl filled with steaming hot soup in one hand, and a glass of water in the other.

The second he made eye contact with me, his smile dropped and concern flashed in his blue eyes. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

That's when I realized I was crying again. Tears freely streaming down my hot cheeks.

Nice going you little piece of shit.

I quickly shook my head and wiped the tears away, giving him a small smile, "N-Nothing...I'm fine. " my eyes moved to the bowl of food in his hand, "T-That looks good..." I lied through clenched teeth.

Tristan's tense shoulders dropped a bit as he sighed, looking at me sadly, "Oh come on, you haven't even tried it and you look like you're going to throw up."

"I-I'm sorry..." A gentle smile spread across his face as he walked closer to me, setting the water on the nightstand and sitting next to me in the bed.

"Come on, just a few bites." He held the spoon in front of my face and stared at me expectantly. I sighed and took the spoon and the bowl. I slowly dipped the spoon into the soup and reluctantly put it into my mouth.

As the hot substance slid down my throat and the taste coated my tongue, I have to admit that it did taste pretty damn good. Happy that my stomach hadn't started hurting yet, I kept eating the soup.

About half way through the small meal, my fears surfaced. A horrible pain blossomed in my stomach and I let out a pained whimper. I dropped the spoon into the bowl and clutched my stomach tightly.

Tristan took the bowl out of my hand and set it on the night stand. He turned back to me and put his hand on my shoulder,

"Colton, calm down okay, darling? You're perfectly alright. You did amazing. You ate just as much, if not more than I hoped you would. I'm proud of you." He soothed as his fingers combed through my hair.

I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I was so tired. I didn't have the strength for another panic attack. My deep breaths distracted me from the attack and I was finally able to relax. Though the faint throbbing through my body was still there.

"Good, now let's get you to bed. Lay down and get comfortable, darling. You're safe here." He leaned down and kissed my forehead after tucking me deep into the thick blankets. "I'm going to take the couch, I'll be there if you need me, okay?"

"N-No!" I practically yelled at him, jerking my body into a sitting position. My face grew hot when he turned to look at me and I moved my gaze to my lap, "C-Can you stay with me....I d-don't want to be alone...." I mumbled, embarrassed that I even asked that. He smiled and walked back toward the bed, leaning down and touching my chin. I lifted my head just in time for his lips to capture mine in a kiss.

It was warm and comforting and I couldn't think straight. I think at some point I ended up pulling away because when my mind finally turned back on I was staring at Tristan who had a confused look in his eyes. I blushed hard and slowly sunk into the softness of the bed.

I haven't slept in a bed in years. The bed Dylan and I share is just an old, hard, beat up mattress barely being held up by a wooden bed frame. Even that, Dylan usually sleeps in it alone. As I said before, I usually slept on the floor or in the basement.

I was beyond comfortable, my eyes were dropping so heavily, but I kept them open. I was terrified to go to sleep. I clutched the pillow near my cheek and took a deep breath, willing myself to keep up the strength to stay awake. I always did this, my nightmares are just too much for me, so I often just try to avoid sleeping at all.

I felt the bed dip down beside me and before I knew it, the lights were off and Tristan's body was tucked in bed directly next to me.

He must have noticed that my eyes were still open, despite the darkness in the room, because I saw him frown and reach slowly to touch my cheek with his fingers. I flinched and tried to look away.

"Hey, you're okay, Colton. Close your eyes."

I shook my head, tears blurring my vision.

"Why not?"

"I-I'm n-not tired..."

"That's bs." I flinched again,

"I-I don't want to sleep okay..?"

"Why not?"

"B-Because.....I-I'm scared..." I whispered, so quietly that I hoped to God that he didn't hear. But he did. He locked his fingers with mine,

"What are you scared of, Angel?"

"M-My dreams..."my voice cracked at those words, making me flinch. He tightened his fingers around mine and smiled,

"Don't you worry about a thing, okay? I'll be right here all the way until you wake up, okay?"


"Now close your eyes, darling. You're perfectly safe." I did what he said, still holding his hand, and almost immediately fell asleep.

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