Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 22: Now and Forever

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Darkness. All I could see was darkness. I couldn't remember anything. What's going on?

I looked around, shivering when a cold breeze hit my skin. Where was I? It was so dark. Suddenly, a horrible pain rushed through my entire body. The darkness faded and I could see the outline of three men. I couldn't breathe, like something was blocking my throat.

I felt kicks and punches and heard laughter as well as a burning pain on my back. I felt a tearing pain as well on my lower half and I immediately knew what was happening. I yelped and struggled but that only made it worse. So much worse.

I felt an extremely hot liquid pour on my back; boiling water, and I screamed, but the thing in my mouth just thrust itself deeper into my throat, choking me even more.

"Slut! You deserve this pain!" I heard someone behind me scream.

They were right. I did deserve this pain. But I couldn't take it. I wanted so badly to just die.

"Colton! Colton baby wake up! It's okay!"

I sat up, screaming and gasping for breath. I looked around, terrified. There he was, Tristan Tucker. My perfect boyfriend, looking at me with that concerned look again.

"Tristan..." I squeaked, my eyes filling with tears that spilled over my cheeks and dropped onto my lap.

"Come here beautiful, come here." He opened his arms and let me fall into him. I clutched his shirt like he was my lifeline. In a way, he was. I buried my face in his chest and tried my best not to let loose the horrible sobs that were caught in my throat.

It's only been a few days since we've gotten home, away from those horrible people. Tristan told me that I had been sleeping for a day and he was scared that I wouldn't wake up. The pain is so bad that I can barely move more than just sitting up in the bed. My back is badly burned and deep cuts litter my body.

I was taken to the hospital, but once I woke up, the doctors allowed me to go home. That's all I wanted to do. I wanted to go home. With Tristan, and Dylan and Anna. That is my home.

Because of our "situation" the government has decided to let Dylan and I stay with the Tuckers, though Anna is still required to take classes for foster care.

Ever since I woke up from my "coma state" as the doctors called it, I have been so tired. I know, ironic, huh? I sleep for a whole day then I'm tired after that? Yeah. Pathetic, I know. But every time I close my eyes, their faces return.

The faces of the men that sexually abused me worse than my father ever had that night. But also my father. Sometimes I have no choice but to sit and endure the pain as I'm imprisoned by sleep. I often wake up screaming or sobbing, the pain from the dream keeping me awake for hours after that.

It's happened so much, and it's only been two days. Why the hell did I have to put up with this?

"I-I c-c-can't t-take thi-is, T-Tristan-n.." I choked out, "I-I'm so scared...."

I felt his fingers brush through my hair as he kissed my forehead, "You're okay, baby. I'm here and I'll never ever let you go again. Those disgusting people won't touch you ever again. They're gone. You're here, with me, and mom and Dylan. You're perfectly safe, Colton. Relax, darling. You're home."

With that, I let out another sob and clung to him tightly. He held me for what seemed like hours until my pathetic crying finally ceased. Putting all other thoughts aside, I just layed there, enjoying the warmth of my boyfriend's hold.

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