Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 11: Love and Let go

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My eyes snapped open when I felt a freezing cold sensation splash onto my body. "GET THE FUCK UP YOU LAZY ASS" My papa screamed at me, throwing the empty plastic bucket at me. I cried out in pain when it hit my thigh, igniting a fast-spreading pain all throughout my body.

I slowly sat up, my breath catching in my chest and immediately throwing me into a fit of violent coughs. Tears pooled in my eyes and I squeezed them shut tightly, covering my mouth and coughing. My chest burned and ached along with the rest of my body, but my head was the worst. The blood that soaked my hair had dried,making my hair stick to my forehead.

"Take your disgusting brother and get your ass to school, slut." Papa spat at me, walking up the stairs. Once he was gone, I collapsed to the floor again and burst into tears, curling into a ball and whimpering as the pain increased every time I moved.

Going to school would be a challenge, but I would have to do it or papa would kill me before he could even sell my worthless body away. I let out another quiet sob as I realized what papa had told me before I passed out. I was going to be sold. It wasn't a dream...

In a week...that's not long enough...there's so much I haven't done... And why the hell did I have to fall in love..? God, why?

After a few minutes, I sat up and tried as hard as I could to stand up. The pain was almost unbearable as I slowly climbed the stairs. Finally, I got into the room that I share with Dylan. I sighed in relief when I heard the shower on. Good. I didn't want him to see me this way.

I stumbled to the dresser and put on some clean clothes, sneaking out and back downstairs to the other bathroom, using a wet washcloth to clean the blood off of my face and out of my hair. I brushed my teeth and limped into the kitchen, putting some bread in the toaster for Dylan.

Once the toast was ready, I took a paper bag out of the fridge, which contained a lunch for my little brother that I had made a few days prior. I gasped as my arm suddenly went limp and I dropped the bag on the floor, an apple rolling out and hitting the corner of the counter.

"Fuck" I mumbled, bending down to pick up the apple and the bag. I felt my body beginning to weaken. I knew I wasn't going to make it through the day without passing out again if I didn't eat. So, I reluctantly shoved a piece of toast in my mouth, trying not to gag or throw up.

When it was finally gone, I drank a bit of water and took a deep breath. "Dylan! Come on we'll be late!" I managed to yell up the stairs.

"Coming!" He yelled back cheerfully, appearing at the top of the stairs and hopping down like a bunny rabbit on a sugar high. I rolled my eyes, trying to act normal, even though my head was pounding.

"Oh lord, what have you smoked this morning?" I groaned playfully.

He giggled and took the bag out of my hand, a wave of relief falling over my body at the subtracted weight. "Nothing! I'm just excited for school. Today we're making volcanoes in science and my partner is Jessica King!" I flinched, that boy squealed like a teenage girl at a One Direction concert.

I laughed and walked out the door behind him, trying to hide the fact that I was in pain, for the sake of my innocent brother's happiness. My brother has been on and on about this Jessica King and honestly she sounds like a complete bitch.

She's basically made him her personal slave for the past few weeks. Making him carry her books to class, forcing him to give up his seat in algebra so she can sit with the "popular" group, telling him to buy her lunch, making him do her homework. The girl pisses me off and I haven't even met her. But she makes Dylan happy, so I couldn't bear to take that away with my pointless opinion.

After what seemed like years of walking, we arrived at the middle school that Dylan goes to. I leaned heavily on the brick wall outside of the building casually, smiling when Dylan gave me a hug.

"Hey Col, are you okay?" He asked seriously. I nodded and messed up his hair.

"I'm fine, kiddo. Now go have a good day." I kissed his forehead and watched his smile get bigger as he pulled away and nodded, running toward his group of friends. I turned, my hands in my pockets as I began walking the other way, biting my lip to try and ease the pain.

"Colton!" I heard a far away voice yell, I turned around and saw Dylan waving and smiling, his friends waving as well, "Have a good day! I love you, Col!"

"Bye Col!"

"See ya!"

"Have a good day, Colton!" I moved my gaze to the other four kids who were waving to me happily. Tarren, Oliver, Derek and Samantha, all with smiles as big as Dylan's.

I laughed and waved back at the small group of kids. It was funny, the five of them were joined at the hip. Dylan was always over visiting one of the boys or Samantha. I was glad he had good friends, I'd much rather him be happy and safe with his friends rather than being tortured and raped at home.

After watching the group disappear into the crowd of middle schoolers, I began walking again toward my school, praying that I wouldn't see Tristan today or any day. The truth is, I was scared. Terrified, even.

I was afraid that if I saw Tristan Tucker again, I would fall even deeper in love. And it would I be so much harder to let go.

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