Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 10: Living hell

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Why? You find a boyfriend?" Dylan smirked, after pulling away from me. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at the young boy. His eyes widened and a smile spread across his face, he lunged forward, his hands on my shoulders. "You did?! Who is it who is it??"

I sighed loudly and gently pushed the slim child off of me, "I didn't find a boyfriend so shut up." He pouted and slumped back against the wall, arms crossed.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, motioning for him to do the same, in which he did. I turned and cracked open the door a bit, peaking out and taking a sigh of relief when the room was empty. I turned back to Dylan, who looked terrified as he stared out the door.

"Hey, nobody is there, it's okay. I'm gonna go make sure he isn't hiding. If I yell, you close this door right and lock it, understand?" He nodded and I gave him a little smile, messing up his hair and walking out. I looked under the bed and in the closet, I checked in every possible place that anyone could hide.

I called for Dylan softly, telling him to come in. He came in slowly and I gestured toward the bed, "It's safe, I promise. Now try and sleep, okay?" He nodded and curled up in the small bed that we share. Well, I actually don't share it with him, I usually end up sleeping on the floor wherever my papa tells me to sleep.

I kissed Dylan on the forehead and walked to the other side of the room, turning the light off.

"Please be careful..." I heard him whisper. I smiled and nodded,

"I'll be fine, go to sleep."

Dylan was my world. He was the only family I've ever had and keeping him safe was my only priority.

My brother knew I was gay. My brother knew everything about me. The drugs, the cuts, the burns, the bruises. Every little detail about me and my life, Dylan knows. It's the same the other way around too.

Dylan and I aren't actually brothers, we aren't related, anyway. My papa "adopted" him when he was a little kid, only a little older than six years old. Though I know that he didn't legally adopt him, he bought Dylan at an auction.

Ripped away from his enslaved mother and dragged to this hell to spend the rest of his life being beaten and used as a slave of all kinds.

Luckily, I've been able to keep him safe from rape to this day, though today was very close call. My papa agreed to the deal that as long as I'm here for him and his "clients" then he will make it known that Dylan is off limits.

So far, it's worked. This was just a wake up call for me. I need to keep this deal up, because if I don't, my papa will have no hesitation to sell my precious brother's innocence away. But I will never let that happen.

I walked out of the bedroom in search of my papa. Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed my hair tightly and pulled me down the stairs toward the basement. I was thrown against the wall with an insane amount of force, sending pain to explode through my body.

"Where the hell were you?!" A raspy voice screamed in my face. I choked on the horrible scent of alcohol as it attacked my nose and mouth.

"I-I g-got s-sick....I-I fell a-asleep in the nurse's o-office...." I lied, praying that he would buy it.

"Really??" He fisted my hair again and slammed my head against a wall, making me scream out in pain. "Because your school called today and said that you didn't show up at all!" He spat in my face and shoved me to the ground, kicking me in the ribs.

I cried out and curled up into a ball, my hands tangled in my hair, which was now soaked with blood because of the new cut on my forehead from hitting the wall. "I-I'm sorry, Papa!" I whimpered, fear and pain keeping me from breathing normally. "M-M-My friend t-took me to his h-h-house and I f-fell asleep..."

"A friend huh? How'd your gay ass manage that? Or is he your new faggot boyfriend??" He pulled me up by my hair again, ripping the cut open farther and making me screech in pain and let out a sob. "Well that doesn't matter now does it? Better say goodbye to your little boyfriend because by this time next week your disgusting ass will be in Europe!" He laughed in my face.

My eyes widened, "W-What..?" My voice was shaking horribly. He just laughed again and slammed his foot into me again. I coughed and gasped for air as he began to speak again.

"The man that was here earlier? Yeah he came to take you, but you decided not to show up so I told him he could play with that little bitch while he waited. But you punched him in the face and the pussy ran away sayin he'd come back next week hm? So pack your bags, little girl. You're goin' to play with the big boys." He laughed again and ripped off my clothes.

I was completely frozen. He didn't god please no..

I was going to be sold...

I would have to move...away from Dylan...a-away from Tristan...

N-No...this had t-to all be one big nightmare! Not all of it though, maybe I'll wake up in Tristan's his arms...come on Colton wake the fuck up!!

Every hope that I had of this being a dream shattered into pieces as I felt one of the worst pains in the world. The same pain I felt on far too many occasions since I was fourteen. I let out a blood curling scream and began to sob.

"Aw shut up you weak little bitch if you can't take this just wait til you get those British mafia lads they'll be much worse than me" he laughed.

His sickening laughs, mixing with my desperate screams were the last thing that I heard before everything around me went completely black.

As I was trapped in the suffocating darkness, the only thing I found myself thinking about was Tristan. And how much I wished I was in his safe embrace.

Updates updates for the one person actually reading my book ily Ali XD

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