Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 13: Not yet

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The pain is too much. I hate seeing him like this. He's so beautiful, so perfect and yet, he is so tortured and alone. I gently ran my fingers through his hair as he slept peacefully.

How could anyone hurt this precious boy? Who would even have enough heartlessness to do such terrible things to him? So what if he's gay?

I felt like a completely different person as I thought those things. I was one of the people that hurt him so badly, yet he's currently laying in my lap, fast asleep.

I was distracted from my thoughts when I ran my finger over a large bump on his hairline and he flinched. Careful not to wake him up, I gently pulled his hair back to examine what I had just felt.

My eyes widened as I saw a deep gash on his head. I was surprised that it wasn't still bleeding! Tears burned at my eyes as anger mixed with the dreaded feeling of sadness. This was no longer something I could pass up. There were no more excuses for me to ignore the fact that it could be abuse.

There was no doubt about it now. These wounds were not self-inflicted at all. It was too deep and in such an odd place for self harm. This was caused by something, or someone. And I was going to find out who it was and kill them.

Suddenly, Colton's breathing picked up, his chest rising and falling quicker and quicker by the second. He let out a small whimper and grabbed my shirt, holding it tightly in his fist.

I gently pushed his hair out of his face again, "Hey, hey, baby it's okay. I'm here, wake up." I soothed, gently shaking his shoulders. "Colton, you're safe. Calm down okay? Open your eyes, beautiful."

His eyes immediately snapped open and he sat up quickly, gripping his shirt and breathing hard. He stared straight ahead for what seemed like hours before his body began to shake even more and he covered his face and let out a heartbreaking sob.

My poor baby, he was so damaged. It wasn't fair...

I gently wrapped my arms around the tiny boy and pulled him into my chest, stroking his hair and whispering things into his ears.

He seemed to calm down a bit after that, his sobs turning into quiet whimpers once again. I slowly pulled away and looked him in the eyes,

"Tell me what happened? It might help a bit." I said, explaining my question without breaking eye contact. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and shook his head, letting out a shaky breath.

"I-It's nothing..." His voice was barely audible.

"Look at me." I gently set my hands on his cheeks and he opened his eyes. "Look, I don't know what your nightmare was about, and frankly, I don't care. I just care about you. You need to know that you are safe. I will never let anything happen to you again, do you understand? I'm so very tired of seeing you hurt."

He stared at me as if I was the last person on earth. I watched as his eyes filled with disbelief. Wanting nothing more than to prove my words, I quickly pressed my lips against his, slowly and gently. His eyes grew wide and I spotted a few tears slipping down his cheeks.

I smiled against his lips, closing my eyes an enjoying the kiss. To my surprise, he began to kiss me back. He added the same passion I did and that was enough for me to overflow with happiness. I loved this boy.

I reluctantly pulled away, but kept a big smile on my face. I watched the perfect being in front of me as he smiled timidly and glanced at the ground with a red face. I chuckled and pecked his cheek happily right as the bell rang.

"Come to my house tonight, it's a Friday, you can sleep over. My mom would love to get to know you and-" he held his hand up and I stopped talking. A look of pure sadness replaced his small smile as he looked up at me,

"I...I wish I could...I would absolutely love to, but...I have to take care of my brother. father would not approve."

My heart sank, but I became a bit curious when a flash of fear in his eyes caught my attention when he mentioned his father. I frowned at him and suddenly had the urge to keep pushing.

"Your brother can come over to! And as for your father, he could survive one night without you two there, don't worry, Cole." I smiled.

He looked like he was thinking about it, then he shook his head and turned around, walking toward the school building.

"Think about it? Please?" I asked desperately, taking hold of his cold hand and lacing our fingers together as I walked next to him.

"I-I'll go home after school...and talk to my dad about it...just...maybe." He mumbled, squeezing my hand slightly tighter, making me notice that he was shaking.

"What's wrong, darling? Are you still afraid of the nightmare?" I asked him, concern lacing my tone. He shook his head, and I brought his hand to my lips and held them there for a few seconds, then dropped it back to our sides. "You're safe, remember that." I reminded him, and he nodded.

We walked all the way to his class with our hands tightly locked together. Everyone stared at us, avoiding us like the plague and I could hear Colton's breathing speed up as his grip on my hands faltered. I only held his hand tighter,

"Ignore them, you're perfect." I whispered into his ear, causing him to relax a bit and walk closer to me. We stopped in front of his classroom and I gave him a quick kiss, making him blush. "Be safe, beautiful. Text me if you need to talk, alright?" I took his phone from his pocket and typed in my number.

He smiled slightly and nodded. "See you after school..?" He seemed unsure, as if I was going to say no. I smiled and kissed him on the forehead,

"I'll wait for you outside when I finish class. I'm walking you home today."

He looked a bit scared, but nodded again nonetheless. After he walked into the class, I walked toward mine and walked in, as always, fashionably late.

I sat next to Tanner who gave me a slight glare. "What?"

"Dude, do you know how many rumors there are about someone seeing you and that kid fucking outside by a tree?!

I rolled my eyes and shoved my elbow into my idiot best friend's arm. "We were not doing that outside by a tree. People are full of crap."

"Well duh, but dude were you even with the kid?"

"Yeah, I was."

"Well why?"

"Because I wanted to have lunch with him."

"Are you dating him?"

"Not yet."

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