A/N - Rewrite?

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Hey guys! Been a while. Like years lol. I'm still alive and well. I mean- as well as one can be living in this chaotic fucked up world. I hope all of you reading this are doing okay too. And if you're not, you're still valid of course, and I hope things get better for you soon 💕💕.

I'm posting this because I have an announcement- or maybe more of a question for you.

I started rewriting this book, and I was wondering if y'all would be interested in reading the new and improved version? I'm only nine chapters into the rewrite and I have a lot going on so I can't promise regular updates, but it's there, it exists, and in my opinion it's way WAY better than this piece of shit that I wrote as a fairly illiterate, angry middle schooler.

I have big plans for the plot of the rewrite that I'm hoping to achieve, there will be new things, new concepts and the concepts that were there before will be represented much more accurately (I hope, I'm trying my best).

These days my motivation to write comes 1,000% from the comments and engagement in my stories that I get, so honestly if people aren't really interested I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish the project. I kind of want to though, I like the plans I've made for it.

I am in college now though, and life is extremely stressful and overwhelming for me (as it is for everyone these days) so this isn't one of my top priorities, more of a fun side project.

Anyway please let me know if you guys are interested and also please let me know if you're an OG reader bc that's amazing and I always wonder if the people who read my stuff years ago when I made it are still around now.

I hope all of you had a great day 💕

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