Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 3: Stage 1

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Picture of Anna Tucker (Tristan's mom)

Stage one of my plan consists of you getting close to the kid, earn his trust. Then we'll move to stage two."

"How am I supposed to do that if he won't even talk to me?!"

"Not my problem, man. Figure it out."

My mind kept replaying that conversation. Earn his trust. How the hell was I supposed to do that?! The freak barely acknowledged me at all!! And what's with this random project?! I don't even know what it's for!

I angrily grabbed my pillow and chucked it across my room with full force, knocking over my fourth grade pottery project, which fell to the floor and exploded into thousands of pieces.

After a few more minutes, my bedroom door slammed open, revealing a panicked and angry looking young woman with long dark hair and a purple apron on.

"What the hell was that?! Are you oka-" she stopped yelling when she layed eyes on the broken pot. "Tristan!!" She scolded, looking back up at me with a disappointed look in her deep chocolate eyes.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "I'm fine, mom. I just got a little angry."

"Tristan you just shattered a childhood memory. Literally." She glared at me and I shrugged. Her glare turned into a look of pure sadness as she sighed and kneeled down in front of the pile of clay shards, picking them up in her hands one-by-one. "Damn it, Trissy, I really liked this one..."

I groaned and stood up, walking over to her and helping. "Mom be careful, you might hurt yourself." I mumbled as I tried to pick up the sharpest pieces before she could. I received another tired glare, but kept picking up the pieces.

Once the pieces were cleaned up, my mom and I stood up, throwing them away. I walked over to my bed and fell backward onto the soft surface, letting out a loud sigh. My mom layed down next to me, tilting her head so her beautiful brown eyes were staring at me, a small smile on her face.

"So what's my beautiful baby so troubled about that he had to break mama's favorite pot, hm?" Her sweet voice calmed the remaining anger that I had inside of me. I let out a small chuckle and looked into her eyes.

"It was a shitty, deformed pile of clay with faded paint on it, I think 'mama' can get over it." I joked and she gave me a playful punch in the shoulder. When I was done laughing, I let out another sigh and scooted closer to my beautiful mother, my head touching her shoulder, even though she was so short that I would have to bend over to do this if we were standing.

She kissed my head and wrapped her arms around me and I began to explain. My mother was my "go-to gal". Every time I had a problem with anything, I could come to her. Tanner and Hunter always make fun of me because of how close I am to my mom. I'm definitely a "mommy's boy".

But how could I not be? I never had a father. My mother was kidnapped and raped when she was fifteen years old. She was found a year later, when she was sixteen. I was born two months before she was found and she told me that I was extremely lucky that I survived that horrible place. I know, it's a lot to take in, but she doesn't like to talk about it. And I don't like to think about it.

She said that she worked so hard at keeping me safe and alive while she was trapped there, and when she was found, she couldn't bring herself to put me up for adoption despite how young she had been. She still has a bit of PTSD, but I help her as much as I can, and she goes to therapy for it.

My mother is my world and I'm hers. I think she's the most beautiful woman to exist on earth, I have never met another woman that's prettier than her or just as. She has long, silky brown hair and extremely dark chocolate eyes. Her skin is perfectly tanned and her body is beautifully curvy.

Honestly, I'm surprised that no guy has even asked her out. Not that I would allow it anyway.

I finally finished explaining the problem to her and she began to run her fingers through my hair, "Well, do you really want to be this boy's friend? Or is it only to torture him?"

I buried my face in her neck and mumbled the truth, I could never lie to her, "I don't really care if we become friends or not, but I also don't feel right hurting him. But if I don't, Tanner will get all pissy at me."

"Tristan Jamie Tucker I know I'm not the best at raising you all by myself but I could have sworn I raised you to do what's right rather than worrying about what others think!" She slapped my shoulder and sat up, me following reluctantly.

"I know..." I sighed, looking down at my folded hands. I heard her take a deep breath, then I felt her warm hand on my cheek, tilting my head up so our eyes locked.

"Baby, it doesn't matter what Tanner or Hunter think. They're your best friends. They'll still be your best friends even if you don't do this dare. Please do what's right, Tristan." I nodded in response and gave her a hug,

"Thanks mom, I will." I pulled away and she smiled sweetly at me, but I continued, "But I do still have a project due in class and apparently he's my partner so..."

My mom looked excited, "That's amazing! Maybe you two will actually become friends! Poor kiddo sounds like he needs one." She hit my cheek lightly a few times and then pinched it, pulling me toward her and pressing her lips against my forehead. She then stood up and let go of me, ruffling my hair and smiling,

"Gnight, kiddo. Don't stay up all night. Love you."

I nodded and layed down, turning off my bedside lamp and laying on my back, staring up at the ceiling. Thinking about how the hell I'm gonna get this seemingly mute kid to talk to me.

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