Artemis , Athena

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Artemis, this is a mortal in need of help to escape Zeus's wrath.

What did she do? Is she worthy of our help?


Do you like Apollo?

No. He is to arrogant.

It's a deal.

The way you agree to deals is really unwise and unofficial.

😒 says the goddess of wisdom. I'm the goddess of the moon, girls, and the hunt. Was wisdom in there? I think not!

You are saying your not smart! Ha how idiotic!

Ladies! Ladies! Settle down! We are trying to scheme here not fight!



Good. Now, we will just threaten to tell everyone his little secret for my freedom.

No no no. We are going to make this more interesting!

I have an idea! I can give it to Apollo for a prophecy! Like mess with his dreams and have him think he needs to make this a prophecy. Also then he will forget about you, mortal and we won't be punished.



What's your name, mortal? You have an interesting personally!

Ali. It's Ali.


Well it's settled! I'll do it tomorrow

I'll protect Ali until tomorrow then!

Great! Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate it!

No prob 😉

I'll text you later if something goes wrong

Bye! 🙋🏼

Bye 😋

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