Artemis, Athena

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We have a problem.

speak of the devil.

yeah. we were just about to text u.

No. Artemis, we have a PROBLEM.

it isn't about...



what are u talking about?

we need to talk in person

NO! stay where u are.

ur scaring me. what happened? 

a while ago the fates told us to stay away from u. they told us that introducing a human to the gods was...

but we didn't believe the 3 fates because we thought they were.. less powerful  then in ancient times. They continued to threaten us to never text you again. We... didn't listen..


And today I was teleported to the fate's cave and they told me that you, Ali, are no longer safe according to them. And that means they could snip your string any minute.


what does that mean?

the fates control the future by putting strings on a loom. The strings represent people and the fates move the strings around to control the future. sniping a string means to kill the person connected to the string.

oh... that's nice...

i need time to think.

more time is putting Ali at risk.

one thing Athena has taught me is that thinking of solutions takes time. thinking in general takes time.

i just don't want to see u hurt.

I understand but we have to talk later. worse comes to worse, we just won't talk anymore. at least u can still watch me from Olympus.

we will still talk. In fact, I'll text you tomorrow.

fine. ill talk to you then.

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