Athena, Artemis, Demeter, Hades, Zeus...

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OK PEOPLE! I have gathered u all here to tell you about Apollo. He has either offended you in this message, u are a friend of mine and want to help, or u have a serious grudge against Apollo. Here is the link to the messages: https://www.this/leads/to/nothing/lol

Because there is so manny people in this chat, I would like only me to text. If u have a question, state your name, ur place on Olympus, and ur question about my strategy.

Here is my idea: Gods will curse Apollo with the most creative thing u can think of. Zeus, can u make Apollo human? Anyways, Mythical
creatures / monsters will attack him while he is human. Humans will be encouraged not to give him hospitality or kindness. Demigods will combine the orders from the humans and monsters to give no hospitality or kindness. U are to attack Apollo at any given time.

Any questions?

Name: Demeter
Place: Olympian
Statement: this is an outrage! But I think we should make Apollo a goat we can kill and eat every day and will reincarnate. I think Athena told me that one of the Viking deities had one or two of those.

Good idea... but no. I want to stick with this plan. Plus the Vikings might copyright.

Name: Sande Liens
Place: Child of Ares
Statement: I've had enough of Apollo! But I want more action! Can we kill him if we see him? He can reincarnate, right?

Ummm. Sure.

Name: Furie 3
Place: Furie
Statement: hissssssss! Hisss! HISSSS!

Ummm ok...😐

If there are no more questions, then I'm going to leave. I have hw to do. Go over ur orders and sharpen your weapons. I'll be back soon.

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