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Hey mortal

Umm? I have a name u know.

Ali, right?


I understand that you were apart of the "Prophecy secret prank"

Um yeah.

I'll tell ya, that was the best show I've seen in century's!

What happened?

Apollo was thrown into a mortal dungeon for a decade! Finally some clouds will cover the hot sun!

Wow... 😳

So, thank you.

Your welcome?

I love annoying my brothers. It's so... Satisfying

Such a relationship

It's natural for gods.

Can you do me a favor?


It's my brothers b-day and he loves Dolphins

I gat u


No prob

Wow... That was some show!

Don't mean to brag, but I train have trained best dolphins since the beginning of time! 😎

Skilz be showin!

I take my dolphin training VERY serious.

I can see!

U wanna see something?


Here we go!

GAH! What was that for!

I wanted to change the subject. It was to serous for me.

Pouring a bucket of water will definitely accomplish that! 😠



Have you been texting Artemis?

Yes. Yes I have.

That explains a lot.

I'm reporting all if this.

Dam it!


Ur scarier than Ares! 😧

The only difference is, I have an army of the two most dangerous goddess on Olympus.



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