Athena, Artemis

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It doesn't matter

Umm what?

The tree. It doesn't matter. My mom saw our texts.


The fates are nothing compared to my mother.

I don't like the sound of that..?

She thinks you guys are stalkers or something. She took away my phone for a week and I had steal it back just to text you.

But u got it back, right?

I'm hiding in the car right now.

So no?

My mom is going to keep my phone.

WHAT?! Then we will stay with u as mortals for the rest of ur life.

Don't be silly Artemis. We can't just disappear from Olympus for a couple decades.

She's right. That's an extremely dumb idea.

Then we will watch over u and give good guidance or something.

Please, Artemis, I know you.

Do u now?

You'll quit after a year or two.

Right again! Ur on a roll today, Athena.

But u have an idea don't u?

Don't I always.

What is it?!

Do u still have that bracelet?

Umm no..?


Ok 🤐

I was TALKING to Artemis. The one your mother gave you?

...where did she go??

Sorry I went to grab a sandwich. Geez.

So... do you have it?

Have what?


Ok ok fine!

Oh yeah I have that bracelet. My mother gave it to me after I was born, to remember her by.

What if we gave it to Ali?

WHAT? I couldn't take that from her!!!

That's a good idea. Besides, I've been wearing this thing for eons. It deserves a new owner.

See! On top of that, we can infuse it with magic so you can reach us when you are in trouble.

I don't know, I'd hate to take your mother's bracelet

What other choice do we have?!

Only if your positively ok with it..

What are u, Athena?! I don't do big words honey.

I may be rubbing off on her a tinny bit...

Anyways, I want this for u. I need to know that u are safe at all times.

How will I be able to call for u?

You will know when the time comes.

Why so... what's the word again?


Right. Why so cricket?

For Zeus's sake! And because I've always wanted to say that to a mortal!

So r u going to tell me how to use the bracelet or not?!

Not with that grammar!



What do you think she is doing, Artemis?!

I don't know?! I was trying to be helpful, ok!!!

I have to leave. Now. My mom is looking for me.

No not yet!!

She is right, we don't have any more time

So then this is goodbye 

For now.

Yes, we will be talking again. Promise.



Bye guys.

Texting The Greek Gods (Complete ) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin