Artemis, Athena

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I've been thinking long and hard about this but I think I am going to give u a blessed bow and some venom arrows.


Artemis, do you think this is a good idea?

No but Ali has found a special place in my heart and she feels like my daughter. I want to give her something I would give to a daughter.

Awwww😍 and EWWWW! If anything, you'd be my sister!

But a daughter is better for the analogy.

That's so sweet! Ali, I didn't want to tell you this, but I blessed you with a powerful surge of knowledge. I didn't want to tell you because I thought it might go to your head. But that was long ago. Now I know better than to think that would effect you.

You guys are so sweet!

Now! Let's go do some archery practice!

I'm coming!


WHAT?! Ur spoiling the moment!

Where are we going exactly?

Oh! Yeah... I'll teleport u!

Cool beans!

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