Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter One

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Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love Story

Quick Author's Note Before We Start: I feel obliged to say that I (unfortunately) do not own Harry Potter or anything in this story that relates to the books/film/pottermore. I do, however, own any OC's and the plot line and I have tried in earnest to make a fan fiction that is unlike the others. The story itself is set in the Half Blood Prince time era and most events link in with the book rather than the film. I am also aware that the first few chapters may be a bit short and will get longer as I progress. Anyway, enough chit chat from me, on with the show and thanks for reading.

Chapter 1

Rebecca stood in the middle of the dark, damp room, her hazel eyes shining. She took a deep breath as the girl lying on the floor in front of her shook, paralysed by fear, the pungent irony smell of blood filling her nose.

A group of Death Eaters sat behind, watching Rebecca and her victim with content, their spine chilling whispers filling the air along with Bellatrix Lestrange’s quiet cackle.

Rebecca raised her wand, extending her arm in a slow, meaningful pace. "Avada Kedavra!”

The green glow filled her vision but she could just make out the girls body flying across the room, hitting the wall with a sickening crunch. Rebecca turned to the Death Eaters, the smiles on their faces concluding that she’d done well.

“Bravo," Bellatrix clapped, getting to her feet. She skipped strangely over to the body and poked the lifeless cheek with her pointed shoe. “Poor little Astoria Greengrass. Messed with the wrong people.”

She spat at the ground and wandered back over to her seat, stroking Rebecca’s head as she passed her. Rebecca followed silently behind her back to the Death Eaters.

“Do you think you’re ready?” Rodolphus Lestrange asked, standing up to greet her and his wife.

Rebecca nodded, tucking her wand into her sock. “Yes.”

He smiled. “Good. You’ll start at Hogwarts next week. Lucius’,” He coughed at the blonde male’s name, “son will be on the train to meet you. You’ve memorised names and photo’s I presume?”

Rebecca once again nodded.

Fenrir Greyback appeared beside Rodolphus. His growl-like voice cut in. “Now remember, all you need to do is destroy any friendships that that Potter rat has. The more alone he feels, the easier it is for the Dark Lord to penetrate his thoughts. His emotional barriers need to be broken down and his friends need to be manipulated into hating him."

"You'll have Draco there to help you, but he will have other priorities to deal with," Rodolphus added.

Rebecca was about to respond when she was interrupted by a cough. Her, Rudolphus, Bellatrix and Fenrir turned to see Augustus Rookwood looking puzzled.

“I don’t understand, why can’t Draco do it himself?” He queried.

Rodolphus rubbed his temples in frustration. “How many times Augustus, how many times? The Dark Lord has ordered the boy to kill Dumbledore and somehow get us into the school. He’s doing this by fixing the Vanishing Cabinet. The boy must concentrate on his task, but meanwhile the Dark Lord needs to get into Harry Potter’s mind and give him a little scare. The only way he can do that is if Harry let’s his guard down...”

Bellatrix scowled at Rookwood's ignorance and began massaging her husband's back in an attempt to calm him.

“That’s why,” Rodolphus continued in a slightly more relaxed tone, “we have Rebecca; someone who is skilled enough, but the right age to go undercover into Hogwarts and play with Potter’s mind, making him a mess.”

Rodolphus turned back to Rebecca who had merely been standing in silence, trying not to look at the dead body at the end of the room. The dead body that had been murdered by her.

“Severus said he’ll ensure the Sorting Hat places you in Gryffindor to make it easier.”

Bellatrix gave a throaty cackle and her eyes narrowed into hateful slits. “That good for nothing scumbag?! We can’t trust him Rudo, despite what the Dark Lord says.”

Rodolphus began talking animatedly to Bellatrix as Rebecca's mind span. She was about to undergo Voldemort's bidding, perhaps one of the most feared dark wizards to ever be born, and most certainly the least forgiving. If she messed this up, in even the slightest way, her life - just like her latest victim's - would most certainly be cut short.

She looked down at her wrist, the inky dark mark staring back at her. It was strange to think that just a few months ago she was a rich, home-schooled pureblood, who hardly had to lift a finger to have something done for her, and now she was really getting her hands dirty, being taught to kill by Death Eaters.

Her morbid thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Rodolphus' rough, calloused hand as he patted her on the shoulder by way of saying good luck. He wasn't one for words, and soon left Rebecca alone in the room as he and the other Death Eaters exited through the single door.

She looked around the eerie, empty space, her heart hammering in her chest like a frightened rabbit's as she finally became aware of what she was doing.

She was a murderer. A cold hearted, twisted murderer.

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