Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Twenty Six

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“I thought you’d never come.”

“I’ve been here all day hiding.”


“Yes. I didn’t want Pansy to see me. Or anyone else for that matter.”

“Of course... How did you get out of class?”

Rebecca gave a lopsided smile as she approached Draco’s bed and sat gingerly down on the end of it, being careful not to accidently sit on him. “I persuaded Ron to give me a Weasley Wizard Wheezes Puking Pastel. Told him it was because I wanted to get out of Transfiguration class – which is partly true.”

“Charming,” Draco replied sarcastically, turning his nose up at the thought of her being sick.

“You’re feeling better then,” Rebecca observed as she got out her wand and performed the spell Snape had used the day before. “Muffilato.”

“I have to feel better. I’ve got to get back to, well, you know...” he swung his legs around so that his feet were dangling out of bed, “...repair the Cabinet.”

“But,” Rebecca said, placing her hands either side of Draco’s chest and pushing him back down to a lying position, “you must rest first.”

“I have four weeks, Becky! Four weeks!” Draco complained as he struggled against her constraints as she tried to keep him in the bed.

“Which is plenty of time,” she reasoned, wondering if she was going to have to tie him down to stop him from getting up.

But there was no need, as Draco immediately stopped resisting her, and instead became quiet and despondent. His grey eyes met Rebecca’s hazel ones, and for would could have been a few seconds, a few minutes, a few hours, or maybe even a lifetime, the two of them sat in a tranquil silence; the presence of one another was enough for them to be able to be happy. It had been a while since they’d been together for so long.

“Do you want to know why I didn’t confide in you?” Draco asked suddenly, taking Rebecca by surprise. “Why I didn’t want to talk to you?” He reached out for her hand and held it tight in his own.


“It was to protect you. If the Dark Lord knew how much I care for you, he’d use you as blackmail to get me to work faster. Although he used my mother instead... But I couldn’t have myself put you in danger.”

“But what about Myrtle, and hiding in the bathrooms? You know I would have listened to you.”

Draco’s gaze fell ashamedly. “I didn’t want to admit I was scared,” his voice quavered slightly and Rebecca realised that this was a side of Draco she hadn’t seen before. He was just a frightened teenage boy – he couldn’t hide himself behind wealth, or power, or blood purity this time. “Or that I still am.”

“Your magical abilities for repairing things are strong. You’ll do it,” Rebecca reasoned, “I know you will.”

“That’s not what I’m afraid of,” Draco sniffed. “I have to kill him, Becky. Dumbledore – the greatest wizard. I have to stop his life, make him breathe his last breath... It’s against the law. I could be put in Azkaban with my father, or worse, be hunted down by Dementors.”

“No, Draco,” Rebecca said stubbornly, trying to remain level-headed about this. “It’s only against the law if you think it’s not worthy of being justifiable.”

He gave her a bewildered look in reply.

“What I’m trying to say is, that this is technically the beginning of a war – where it’s perfectly acceptable to take a life in defence of what you believe in. It’s only wrong and bad if you think it’s wrong and bad, if you don’t, then it’s not.” Rebecca stopped, wondering if she was trying to defend her own reasons for murder.

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz