Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Five

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Draco grabbed hold of Rebecca’s wrist and started pulling her down the corridor. She held in a gasp as his soft skin touched hers, creating a strange electric sensation. She looked at him, but his expression seemed oblivious to it.

Draco shook his head disappointedly as he lead her up a narrow spiral staircase. “What are you playing at Rebecca? You’re here to weaken Potter, not get into fights,” he sighed.

“Don’t worry Malfoy, I’m sure your precious Pansy’s face will be fine,” Rebecca muttered, ashamed that he was frustrated with her .

Draco continued to escort her along but his grip weakened. “We’re not together you know, me and Pansy.”

Rebecca let out a diminutive laugh. “Yeah, but does she know that?”

Draco turned around on his heel, making Rebecca stop, his expression solemn. “Listen, you need to keep your head down, ok?” He reached out towards her, looking at the nail-shaped cuts on Rebecca’s neck, lightly brushing  his fingertips over the skin. “Let me heal that.”

He whispered a quick spell and the cut quickly closed up, the only evidence that Rebecca had even been injured was her blood stained shirt. “Pansy’s fun to have around when I’m in the mood.”

He then started walking again, but this time letting Rebecca follow on her own accord.

“No wonder that girl’s mentally insane, if you treat her like a toy,” Rebecca noted  thoughtfully as she strived to keep up with Draco’s long strides. “She’s clearly devoted to you. Don’t you think it’s a little unfair to lead her on?”

Draco frowned. “You’ve only known me for a day. Don’t go jumping to conclusions about how I treat people; especially when you don’t know anything about me.”

Rebecca exhaled shakily, realising the truth in Draco’s words. He was right, she had only known him for a day, but for her it felt like forever. “I’m sorry.”

Draco didn’t say anything back to her but instead continue to walk ahead down the empty corridors. Rebecca assumed he must have led her this way to make sure no one saw them. She listened to her and Draco’s footsteps echoing through the quiet, his posh shoes squeaking under foot.

“I don’t understand you,” Draco said finally, breaking the silence between them.

He looked around to check they were alone before continuing. “I mean, Bellatrix said you’d been taught by her, and that your skills for someone so young were pretty impressive. But, if I’m honest, you seem to be as talented as a fourth year. I would of thought that you’d of won that fight against Pansy hands down, but you didn’t. She even managed to cut your neck open, when all you did was give her a black eye.”

Rebecca felt hurt as Draco’s bitter words cut into her. How did he expect her to act? Like some emotionless cold hearted killer that used Avada Kedavra in petty cat fight? No. That wasn’t her style. She preferred using subtlety and manipulative persuasion to get things done.

“It appears you know nothing about me either, Malfoy,” she whispered.

He stopped again and she half expected him to turn around and yell at her, but instead he just stood there, staring at a wall. Rebecca looked around, wondering what he was doing. Behind her she saw there was a tapestry showing Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls to ballet dance. Strange.

“Draco?” she said, wondering what on earth they were doing.

“Shhh. Just watch.” He replied, his voice this time was gentle, as though he’d never doubted her.

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now