Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Twelve

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Rebecca groaned angrily at the mirror in front of her, nearly snapping her wand in frustration. She was a girl of little patience, and believe it or not, changing the colour of your own eyebrows was immensely difficult. Transfiguration was most definitely not her favourite class.

“Now Rosewood,” Professor McGonagall said as she walked over to Rebecca’s desk, seeing that she was struggling. “Try it again, but this time don’t flick your wand so hard. All it needs is a gentle sway.”

Rebecca did as she was told, and much to her and McGonagall’s satisfaction, her eyebrows both turned to a odd looking burgundy colour.

“Very well done – I’ll give five points to Gryffindor for that,” the Professor said happily, before scurrying over to Ron who had managed to give himself a handlebar moustache.

Rebecca quickly restored her eyebrows to their natural colour and sat back in her seat, watching the other students stare into their mirrors. She watched as Ron mimicked Hermione rather childishly, causing Harry to give him a stern frown and for Hermione herself to look pretty much distraught. Rebecca did feel a little bad that the fact they weren’t talking was partly her doing, but at least the plan was working.

Utterly bored, Rebecca fiddled with her mirror. She positioned it to face the window, making the light bounce off of it and, completely by accident, into Pansy Parkinson’s face, just as the Slytherin was saying a spell. This somehow made Pansy forget the words of the spell she was saying, and before she knew it her eyebrows started to grow unnaturally long. They sat on her face like two curtains, each one hanging down by her shoulders.

Rebecca burst out laughing, along with some other Gryffindors who had noticed. Pansy screamed and her friend Tracey Davis frantically rushed to her side, attempting to fix the eyebrows which were still growing out of control and now hung below her hips.

Adjusting the mirror back so as not to be caught as the culprit of Pansy’s misfortunate ‘accident’, Rebecca caught sight of a small white object that appeared to be slithering across the floor towards her. She turned in her seat, and as it got within reach, picked it up. It was a small piece of paper that had been shaped into the outline of a snake, obviously charmed to make it move. She unfolded it and looked down at the writing which was enclosed inside it.

I need you, tonight. C & G managed to get themselves detention. I’ll make it worth your while ~ D x

Rebecca felt the butterflies inside her have a party just at the thought of her and Draco hanging out again. She assumed that the note meant she’d be on guard while Draco continued the laborious task of mending the Vanishing Cabinet, which admittedly wasn’t the most appealing way to spend the evening, but it beat spending the time alone in the Gryffindor Common Room while Lavender and Ron sucked each others faces off.

She looked up from the paper, and over to Draco, who sat at his desk across the classroom, clearly unimpressed with the whole change-your-eyebrow-colour thing. He had his eyes closed and looked rather tired. It looked as though he had gotten dressed in a rush, as the first buttons on his shirt were undone and his green and silver tie hung in a loose not around his neck. He must have subconsciously felt that someone was watching him, as he looked up, and catching her eyes on him, gave Rebecca a wink.


 “Remind me again why I promised to guard this corridor,” Rebecca moaned, shivering from the cold.

“Because you’re helplessly drawn to me and are willing to do anything I say,” Draco replied, smiling like a madman. “Plus I’m good at persuading.”

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن