Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Twenty Two

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There was a blissfully light warm wind that blew through the stands as the Quidditch team marched out onto the pitch, their uniforms almost glowing in the beams of sunlight that shone through the patchy blue sky.

Rebecca stood, as did everyone else, up onto her feet and began clapping and cheering; acting as perfectly normal as she could, when really she felt far from it.

Nothing was going right for her. Nothing at all. The Dark Lord had sent her to Hogwarts to break down Harry Potter’s emotional barriers and ruin his friendships with the people he loved, but Rebecca hadn’t even managed to weaken him. Stress was sending her over the edge, and during class she would loose concentration, meaning she was failing in almost all of her subjects.

At times she wished that Voldemort would pull her out. That he’d decide he’d no longer needed to get into Harry’s mind. But she knew the likelihood of that was slim, and she was desperate to please him, as she knew that if she didn’t he would surely punish her – like he had done with Lucius, or the many  failed Death Eaters before him.

 “Seventy-forty to Hufflepuff!” Professor McGonagall barked into the commentator’s megaphone, taking over from Luna who was new to the job, and bringing Rebecca crashing back down from her worries to the Quidditch Match.

She scanned the air, spotting Harry darting about high up above, and strangely, Cormac, who had somehow managed to get a Beater’s bat and was now demonstrating to Peakes how to swing.

In an instant Rebecca found a plan forming in her head, slowly growing and twisting like a gnarled flower, it’s roots embedding themselves in her mind, the leaves pushing up through her reservations. She’d been unable to weaken Harry mentally so far, but she had yet to try and weaken him physically.

There was some truth in the fact she didn’t really want to seriously hurt him, however a broken arm or leg would suffice enough – that would be enough, at least, to keep him off of her and Draco’s backs while they worked.

Pointing her wand at Cormac while hiding it under her Gryffindor scarf, Rebecca took control of the bat he was holding, sending it crashing into the oncoming Bludger.

The huge, heavy ball went flying from the power of the swing, and zooming towards harry, not even giving him an inkling of a second to get out of the way. The Bludger smashed into his head, knocking him off of his broom and plummeting towards the ground, where a quick thinking Peakes and Coote caught him before he hit the grass.

Rebecca felt a strange sense of guilt as the Gryffindors around her gasped and someone screamed. She’d done that. She’d caused that reaction from all those people. And it dawned on her then, as Harry was quickly carried off of the pitch and towards the Hospital Wing, that hurting people was starting to become a bit of a habit.


“What, you mean you’re the reason Potter got himself a cracked skull?” Draco asked from somewhere behind her in the Room of Requirement, half in shock, half in awe.

The two of them, Rebecca and Draco, had managed to find some time in their busy school schedules to once again meet up. Although despite this, Draco was still trying to repair the Cabinet as they spoke to each other, leaving Rebecca hopelessly trying to finish some homework that was due in for her next Transfiguration lesson.

“Yeah,” she mumbled, trying to remember the spell used to turn someone’s nose into a bird beak. “I had hoped that it would weaken him enough for the Dark Lord to be able to finally find out what Potter knows. Although I underestimated Madame Pomfrey’s skills – he’s already out of hospital.”

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