Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Eighteen

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The lion head door knocker swung down, hitting the off white door, the sound of its impact loud and clear. Rebecca stood there on the doorstep, her breathing sharp.

Behind the frosted glass a figure appeared, too short to be either of her parents. The silhouette drew closer to the door, undid what sounded like a chain lock, and agonisingly slowly opened the door.

“Mistress Rebecca! Gilly is happy to see you!”

“Gilly!” Rebecca smiled, “It’s good to see you.”

The House Elf looked up at her, unsure of what to do. He stood there for a few seconds, his eyes flicking back and forth from Rebecca on the doorstep, to the closed living room door at the end of the hallway. “You’d better come in,” he squeaked, gesturing inside. “You too Mister...”

Gilly motioned at Draco, who was standing behind Rebecca, looking just as edgy as the House Elf. He obviously felt uncomfortable, as instead of saying anything he just threw Gilly a dirty look.

“His name’s Merrick. Merrick Farrington,” Rebecca blurted out, saying the first name that came into her head. “But ignore him Gilly,” she added, noticing the cold emotion on Draco’s pointed face, “he’s just cranky towards House Elves.”

Gilly gave a disgruntled murmur and nodded, ushering the pair inside, all the while Draco shot querying looks at Rebecca.

Indoors it was nicely warm. As Rebecca inhaled, the familiar smell of her childhood filled her head, memories tugging at the edge of her mind. The house seemed to have remained pretty much the same over the last year, and yet Rebecca couldn’t help but feel there was a cheerless demeanour to it, not one that was wildly apparent, but noticeable enough to make her feel somewhat sombre.

She shrugged her coat off, Draco doing the same, and they handed them to Gilly who hung them up on a coat stand and then went into the living room, being careful to close the door behind him, leaving Rebecca and Draco in the hall.

“Why,” Draco whispered, nudging Rebecca with his elbow, “the false name?”

“Well I was hardly going to tell him that you’re Draco Malfoy,” she gave a cautious look at the living room door where Gilly had disappeared into before continuing, “son of Lucius, a known Death Eater who is currently locked up in Azkaban.”

“But Merrick Farrington? I mean, really? It makes me sound like an old man.”

“You are an old man,” Rebecca teased, trying to make herself forget the fact that she was standing in the hallway of her house, about to meet her parents whom she hadn’t seen for about a year.

Draco gave her a lopsided smirk, which quickly fell from his face as the living room door re-opened, a stout man walking briskly out from it, two females behind him.


Daniel Rosewood, Rebecca’s father, was a proud man. He liked to look his best, which at the age of forty-eight, was beginning to become a bit of a chore. After his eldest daughter had left him he’d let himself go a bit, as had his wife.

He had a mop of curly dark brown hair and was never seen without a pair of spectacles balanced on his nose. His wife Aline, who was a quarter French, also had curly hair, but it was instead a rich light auburn colour. She had a plump, rounded figure and, as Draco took in the parents of Rebecca’s appearances, he couldn’t help but think that the woman somewhat resembled Mrs Weasley, Ron’s mother.

Rebecca breathed heavily as she stared at her family. Her father stepped forwards slowly. It was apparent that he was just as nervous as her, as he took off his glasses and gave them a reassuring rub before placing them back on the end of his nose – something that, Rebecca had learnt, meant he was uneasy.

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