Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Twenty

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The sound of strange rustlings and people whispering noisily woke Rebecca from her dream-less sleep. She rolled over and opened her eyes, surprised to see that the dormitory was dark. But there was something strange about it. Something unnatural. It wasn’t a night time sort of darkness, where you can still see the outline of objects, but a complete and utter black.

Immediately she panicked, bolting upright, clinging desperately onto her bed covers. It was as though her eyes were still closed, even though she had opened them. An eerie feeling overcame her as she came to the frighteningly inevitable conclusion that she had gone blind.

Staggering out of bed, her arms held out helplessly in front of her, Rebecca put one foot in front of another. There came an almighty crash and Rebecca whirled round in the direction of the sound, still unable to see.

“Hello?” she called out as she felt around for her bedside table, and more importantly her wand.

“Ready?” Came a voice somewhere behind her.

“For what?” Rebecca said coolly, not really knowing who she was talking to.

“One, two, three... SURPRISE!”

Instantly the blindness was lifted. Rebecca blinked fuzzily as her vision returned to normal. She felt as someone took her arm and guided her back to her bed, where she thankfully crawled back under the duvet.

“Sorry about that,” Parvati giggled, perching on the end of Rebecca’s bed, along with Hermione and Lavender. “I’m not so great at blindness spells. I did ask Hermione to do it, but...”

“But I refused,” Hermione said stoutly. “I told them it was rude to wake someone up by making them blind, but they ignored me.” She gave a dirty look at Lavender who seemed oblivious to the fact Hermione was giving her the cold shoulder.

“Anyway,” Lavender said, raising her shoulders in anticipation like a child at Christmas. “Happy Birthday!”

Rebecca smiled contentedly and she leant forwards to give the three girls a hug. “How did you know?”

“It was Hermione,” Parvati  explained as Lavender thrust a bright pink present under Rebecca’s nose.

Rebecca looked to Hermione but she just shrugged modestly. “I take it to myself to make sure I know the birthday of all my friends. That way I never forget.”

“Well, thank you.” Rebecca said as she began to unwrap Lavender’s present.

Inside the girly paper (which had a number of ribbons and bows around it) was an assortment of sweets, some of which Rebecca had never seen before.

“That one,” Lavender pointed at a black and white boiled sweet, “is called a mint humbug. And the cute ones are my favourite, they’re called dolly mixture.”

Rebecca picked up a green cube and put it in her mouth. “Not bad,” she admitted as the muggle sweet sent her taste buds tingling with the taste of lime.

Lavender gave a pleased nod, happy that Rebecca liked her present.

“Well,” Hermione said, looking down on the sweets on Rebecca’s lap. “I’ve got you something a bit more... useful.”

Rebecca cocked her head to one side as Hermione went over to her bed and pulled out a rectangular parcel that had been smartly tied with brown parcel string. She took it from her intriguingly and undid the parcel, finding a book inside.

“Wow, Hermione, thank you,” Rebecca exclaimed as she took the book out of its wrappings. It was a book about rare dragons, one that she had heard of being very rare. “Where did you get this from?!”

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