Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Nine

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Draco snatched back the polyjuice potion flask off of Crabbe, who was currently shrinking, and tucked it into his school shirt pocket. He looked back at the boy, to see that his transformation had completed.

Crabbe beamed happily as he took in his new appearance. “Hey Goyle, look...I’ve got boobs!” he chuckled.

Goyle laughed as he adjusted his new skirt. “Mate, you had boobs anyway. Man boobs!”

Crabbe walloped his friend around the head, something which looked rather strange seeing as the pair of them were now two sweet, innocent girls.

“I’ll hit you with this,” Goyle boomed, swinging at Crabbe with a set of heavy scales he’d nicked from Hagrid.

 “Shut up you two,” Draco hissed as the Room of Requirement door appeared. “Just stand out here, and drop the scales if you hear anyone coming. Even you two twits are clever enough to do that, aren’t you?”

“But why?” Crabbe asked. “What are you doing in there?”

“Nothing of your concern, Crabbe. Just make sure you warn me if someone comes down this corridor,” Draco ordered as he disappeared into the Room of Requirement.

“Nothing of your concern,” Crabbe imitated childishly. “What are we? His slaves?”

“Leave it,” Goyle said, patting Crabbe on the shoulder.


Rebecca turned the corner of the corridor and instantly did a double take. Two young girls stood by the wall where the Room of Requirement door usually appeared, their postures rather unlady like.

Stepping forwards cautiously Rebecca began to walk nearer to them. As she got closer one of the girls coughed and nudged the other, who consequently dropped a large pair of scales on the floor, creating a tremendous sound.

“What are you doing?” Rebecca frowned.

The two girls stared up at her, their eyes glinting mischievously.

“What’s it to you?” One of them asked, her lip curling up in aversion.

“Yeah,” the other girl added, “you’re not a prefect.”

“No,” Rebecca replied, “but I don’t take kindly to little children who are disrespectful to people older, and far smarter, than them.”

“We’re the same age as you, actually,” one girl sneered.

The other girl rolled his eyes and gave her friend a smack around the back of her head. “What did you say that for? Now we’re going to have to hex her!”

And before Rebecca knew it the two girls had got out their wands and were pointing them threateningly at her. She went to grab her own, finding that she’d carelessly left it in her dorm.

“Crabbe! Goyle!”

Rebecca and the two girls looked round to see Draco standing in the Room of Requirement doorway.

 He marched forwards, shoving the two girls roughly out of the way. “Both of you. Go. Now!”

The girls scowled furiously at him but tucked their wands away and shuffled off down the corridor, obeying Draco’s orders.

 “Thanks for that,” Rebecca said finally when the two girls were out of earshot. “Let me get this right, that was Crabbe and Goyle?”

“Yeah,” Draco sniffed. “I’ve been using them to guard the corridor while fixing the Vanishing Cabinet, but I can’t run the risk of them being Slytherins while doing it, so I made them turn into two first years.”

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now