Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Twenty Four

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Rebecca pushed lightly on the bathroom door, making sure no-one was using it before entering. Her palms were hot and sticky, sweating with nerves, in complete contrast to the room which was cold.

Somewhere in the back of her thoughts she could hear the slow, rhythmic noise of a dripping tap, the sound echoing off of the tiled walls. The constant sound drummed into her head as she sat waiting.

Over and over again she had practiced what to say to Draco, when she saw him, in her head. How she was going to tell him that she understood, he still didn’t trust her after what had happened before Christmas. How she was going to explain that, now that Daphne Greengrass knew about her, neither of them were safe. She knew that none of this would  help his morals, or fill him with confidence, but right now she really didn’t care.

She was scared.

Scared that everyone was against her. Scared that Daphne knew she’d killed her little sister. Scared that Voldemort might kill her. Scared that Draco was talking to a ghost about his worries rather than her. Scared that she was never going to complete her task. Scared that, when it came down to it, she was useless.

“You’re here then,” Myrtle observed in a less than enthusiastic tone as she floated haughtingly up from a toilet.

Rebecca had been waiting in the Boy’s Bathroom for little over a minute before the ghost arrived, but it had felt like a lifetime. She blinked heavily and sighed in anticipation at what was about to occur. “Did you not expect me to show up?”

“Yes,” the ghost replied bluntly, wailing slightly. “I thought maybe me and him were going to be able to spend some time alone again.”

Rebecca laughed a cold, humourless laugh in response as she examined herself in a cracked mirror. Seven years bad luck to the wizard who broke it.

“Now,” Myrtle sniffed as she pushed her glasses up her nose, “hide yourself before he gets here. I don’t want him thinking I’ve been planning against him. The only reason you’re here is because you’re meddlesome and stubborn.”

“And because I care for him,” Rebecca reminded her sternly as she cautiously sat down in a toilet cubicle so that she was out of sight from anyone who came through the door.

“Well if you really cared for him, you wouldn’t be in here waiting to eavesdrop.”

Rebecca bit her tongue to stop herself from arguing any further with Myrtle. The silly ghost didn’t know anything about her and Draco’s relationship with one another. Neither did she understand the complexity of what the two of them were doing here at Hogwarts, or why it was so vital for Rebecca to make sure Draco was alright. Because, in her own way, she loved him.

As if on cue with her thoughts, Rebecca heard the bathroom door swing open, and the squeaky footsteps of polished shoes on slick tile make their way into the centre of the room where Myrtle was undoubtedly waiting.

“You’re here,” came the voice that raised Rebecca’s pulse as she sat listening, trying not to make a noise. She was trying to determine when the right moment to reveal herself was. Was it now? Or perhaps she should wait a little longer? That way she could pay attention to what Draco had to say to Myrtle.

“Hello again,” Myrtle squeaked girlishly, giving a sickeningly sweet giggle. “How are you feeling today? Better I hope?”

“I suppose so,” Draco replied quietly.

Rebecca slyly peered through a gap between the toilet cubicle door and wall, to see Draco sat on the edge of the huge, empty bath, Myrtle floating beside him as she curled her hair around a finger.

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now