Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Nineteen

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 “Have I told you how wonderful you are?” Rebecca smiled from where she was at over at Draco.

“Probably, but you can tell me again anyway,” Draco replied smugly with a wink.

“Well, you’re wonderful. Honestly, thank you so much for this.”

“I really do care for you, Becky,” Draco admitted,

Rebecca felt her heart leap in her chest. “I’m starting to think there’s a rather big heart under that sweater of yours, Merrick. But then again you are a Gryffindor.”

Draco smirked. “Well just don’t tell anybody.”

Rebecca was about to tell him she wouldn’t dream of it, when the door swung open, her father standing behind it looking almost flustered.

“Excuse me, Merrick, but would you mind leaving?”

Draco frowned and looked to Rebecca, but she simply shrugged, equally as mystified as him. “Of course not, sir,” he said, raising himself out of his seat and nodding at Rebecca. “See you at school.”

“Yeah, sure,” she replied as she watched him being ushered out by Gilly.

Once Draco had gone down the driveway and disappeared into the garage, where presumably he was going to use Floo Powder to get back home, Rebecca’s mother and father sat down with her in the Living Room.

“Of course you can stay, my dear,” Mrs Rosewood comforted her daughter as Mr Rosewood stayed silent, watching Rebecca like a hawk. “You’ve seen how eager your sister is to be with you, how can we possibly deny her, and ourselves, of that?”

“Well, if you’re sure,” Rebecca replied. “I promise you there’ll be no trouble, and I’ll be gone by the fifth.” She stopped, looking around the room. “Where is Samantha, by the way?”

“She’s busied herself upstairs, wrapping presents or something,” Mr Rosewood responded quickly. “In fact, dear, would you mind going to help her? I’d like a quiet chat with Rebecca alone.”

Mrs Rosewood frowned, but stood up. “Right, yes, ok.”

Rebecca watched as her mother went upstairs before saying anything to her father. “Why did you send Merrick away?”

Her father made a sort of huffing sound.”Merrick? Please, Becky, I’ve read enough newspapers to know who that was; Draco Malfoy. His father’s in prison, is he not?” He gave a long, painful sigh. “Why Becky? Why do you always fall for the guys who you know are going to hurt you? Is it that you feel insecure about your life? Do you enjoy being hurt?”

Rebecca didn’t know what to say. She looked at her father dumbfounded, his words had felt like a blow to the face and she desperately fought back a sob which was threatening to escape from her throat. “I- What? No, but...You... You know? And yet you’re letting me stay?”

Mr Rosewood gave her a loving look and lowered his voice so that he was barely audible.“I’ve already lost you once Becky, and no matter what you are still my daughter. You’re old enough to be living your life how you want, and if this is the way you want to live it, then so be it,” he rubbed his head in frustration and gave her a pitiful look.

“I can’t promise you that I will ever understand why you’ve done this. But you’re my little girl, and we’ll work through this, because that’s where we went wrong last time. I hope that if we get through this together, you’ll realise that you can have a life better than is.”

 Rebecca looked at him teary eyed.”I love him, Father. I know I said that about Leon, and the boys before him, but it’s true. I don’t expect you to understand why, but I beg of you, give him a chance.”

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now