Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Twenty Seven

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The past few weeks had been a challenge for Rebecca. Her homework had been slowly piling up, and after some strict tellings off from a couple of her professors, she had been forced to concentrate on that, but with little progress.

No matter how hard she tried, every time she sat down to start her essay on what she had learnt in Herbology over the last four months, her mind would wander aimlessly to other things. Three of them being Draco, Harry and Daphne.

Draco had – just in time – won his battle in repairing the Vanishing Cabinet, or so he had said yesterday afternoon when he had secretly snuck up on Rebecca, with the risk of being caught , just to tell her the good news. In fact, it had been the happiest she had seen him for a while.

The matter of Harry Potter, on the other hand, was not going anywhere. Rebecca was almost appreciative that Snape had told her to stop her efforts in finding out information about what he was up to, as ever since Harry had announced his romantic intentions to Ginny Weasley, the two of them had become near inseparable.

Daphne Greengrass had too been playing hard to get. After speaking to Draco in the Hospital Wing, Rebecca had decided that he was right, and that perhaps she should confront Daphne to find out what she knew, and if possible scare her into keeping quiet. But it seemed that whenever Daphne wasn’t with Pansy Parkinson, she was in the Slytherin Common Room, making it risky to even try to face her.

Rebecca had even tried getting Blaise Zabini to lure her out, but he had been less than willing to do so when she refused to tell him why.

However the main reason for her lack of concentration was what was to happen tonight. It was what Draco had been working towards for the past year. It was the one thing that was at the forefront of Rebecca’s mind and no matter what she did to stop it, she couldn’t get away from the oncoming affair.

It was the way that almost everyone else in the school was oblivious to it. None of them knew that, at exactly eleven o’clock this very evening, a group of blood-hungry Death Eaters would be entering these hallowed halls. However there was currently still no plan in place as to how Rebecca and Draco were going to sneak such a group from one end of the school, to the other, without being detected.

Giving a quick glance at the clock on the library wall, Rebecca realised that she had been attempting, but not succeeding, to work on her homework for over ninety minutes now, and that the hour hand – which was currently pointing towards six – was creeping gradually nearer towards eleven.

She looked back down at her blank piece of paper, just the date and her name scribbled in splodgy ink at the top of it. Wednesday 28th June. If everything went well tonight, it could quite possibly be marked as one of the most important dates in the history of the Wizarding world so far. The day Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was murdered by a sixteen-year-old boy.

Without a second thought on it, Rebecca packed her things up in her leather satchel and hurried out into the corridor, one destination in her mind.


“Hello?” she called out into the darkness as she stepped over the threshold into the Room of Requirement, fumbling around in her bag for her wand. She was unsure as to whether Draco was in here, as she assumed there was no need now that the cabinet was fixed, and there hadn’t been anyone on guard.

“Who’s there?” came a swift, tense reply. Draco came abruptly hurtling out of nowhere, his wand poised, ready to defend himself in if needed. “Becky! I didn’t expect to see you so... early.”

“Well I can leave if you’d like,” Rebecca teased with mock anger, her lips curling up into a smile as she pushed gently past him to have a closer look at the restored Vanishing Cabinet.

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now