
339 29 2

Nov. 7

Dear Alex,

Last night I got no sleep. My eyes were open, staring at the ceiling as I tried to rationalize the fact that I am going to leave all I've ever known to embark on an endeavour that we've hardly planned for at all. Where will we go? What happens when we run out of money? What if people come looking for us?

When Sean woke up he rolled over and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Baby," he drawled. I sucked on my lips and casted him a worried glance. He frowned. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head.

"Are you keeping something from me?"

I slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I sat on the toilet lid and hugged my knees to me, covering my legs with the oversized t-shirt I was wearing.

"What are you up to?!" Sean shouted, pounding on the bathroom door. Little flakes of the ceiling crumbled to the ground each time he hit the door. "I'm going to find out!" he yelled, "And when I do-"

I'm scared, Alex. What's going to happen to us?



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