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Dear Carrie,

Your letters made me cry. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on and all I want is to be next to you for every moment of my life. I'm sorry for leaving you that first time, after high school. I didn't mean to hurt you and I never wanted to let you go.

Thank you for taking me back.

Now, my love, we can live. We will travel this Earth from one corner to the other and we will have all the adventures we've ever dreamed of. We will live near the ocean and breathe the salty air, and we will learn how to ride horses together. Maybe you can side-saddle, and you can be the princess and I'll be your prince. ;)

Except you're so much stronger than me. When I am near you I become helpless and I fall in love with you all over again. You're the prettiest girl I have ever met- your green eyes like little pools of jade, your blonde hair that looks like strings of gold even when you think it looks crappy, your smile that lights up the whole room.

Carrie- there's one more thing I wanted to ask you. Just a small favour...

Will you spend the rest of your life next to me, writing me love letters while I paint you in every perfect form? Will you kiss me and let me kiss you?

Will you marry me?

Let's see the mountains together. Let's become inseperable.



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