Open Once We're Together Again

312 26 2

Nov. 28

Dear Alex,

I was able to convince Emery to drive me over this morning. I feel bad for asking her for so much, but I had to see you. They had you in a separate room, and you told me this meant you'd probably be staying for longer. I guess that's what happens when you break a man's nose in the parking lot of a mental hospital.

They had a movie playing in the common room- the Secret Garden- and we watched it together, holding hands. Patty, the old lady from yesterday, kept sneaking us little glances, smiling and giggling to herself.

I leaned my head on your shoulder and felt secure and perfect, safe next to you.

After the movie I left the letters I've been writing to you under your pillow. I'll give you this one when you get out, because that will be the best time for you to read what I have to say:

I love you and without you I am incomplete. You are the best thing about me and I am sorry for all those times when I was trying to convince myself otherwise. You saved me from a life with a monster, you brought me to the ocean (freedom), and you showed me how to love myself. Without you, Alexander Kassian, I would be a ghost. You are my hero.

I love you.



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