Tell Me

280 28 5

Nov. 20

Dear Alex,

When I came downstairs this morning, you were already up and having a heated conversation with Emery in the kitchen. I heard, "Have you told her?" before I walked in and both of you went silent.

How dramatic.

"Tell me what?" I asked lightly, going to the cupboard for a bowl of Mini Wheats.

You shot Emery and angry glance and she gave you a death stare perfected by years of scolding her own children and grandchildren. Then she left.

You turned to me. "Carrie, it's nothing. Emery is just mothering me. And you know how I love to be mothered."

I arched an eyebrow at you, but the look on your face was desperate, so I swallowed my opinions and opened the fridge for milk. You grabbed my elbow and said, "hey."

I spun around to face you.

"I love you, okay?" you said.

"I know."



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