fifty seven

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"Are you serious? Oh my god, Lin. I left those at my first home I stayed in, I was kicked out and was never able to get them. That box has all of my important memories.." I say, my eyes are beginning to tear up. In this moment, life is pretty great.


[Olivia's POV]

Lin took me to the DMV and I took the drivers test, I passed and was able to get my permit. In 6 months I can get my full license.

"Oh god, this picture on my permit is so bad.." I said, looking at the embarrassing photo.

"Oh hush, it's way better than mine." Lin says pulling out his ID from his wallet. I stifled a laugh when I saw his photo.

We got back into the car and he said, "So, that box of your things is in your room, I dropped it off this afternoon. I can go through it with you or you can do it alone, whatever you want."

"I think I should do it myself, I mean it's not that I don't want you to be there but it's my family and I-" I say, Lin cuts me off.

"I understand, that's totally fine." He says with a smile. The ride home is quick, once we are back at the theater Lin goes to get ready for the show and I go up to my bedroom.

Sitting on my bed is an old box, taped together and worn at the edges. I sit down on the bed and begin to rip the tape off, I open up the box and reveal photos and other things filling up the box.

I go through all of the photos one by one, memories flood through me as I study every one. There is one of me and my mother, she is kissing me cheek, I am smiling. That was taken on my 8th birthday. There is one of me and my youngest brother, Owen, we are swimming in the ocean. My heart pangs for them. There is a picture of me with every single one of them, there are some of me and Lexi too. My old guitar pick is at the bottom of the box, my mothers signature perfume, old movie tickets, my baby blanket..

I tape all of the photos on one of my bedroom walls, I close the box and carefully place it on the bottom of my closet. I sit back down on my bed and begin to cry, I cry fat tears, my body shaking. I miss my family so much. They are gone and I always hurt but right now it feels as if my heart is breaking into 2 separate pieces.

I held onto my old blanket, I cried into it. That box brought back memories that I had been holding back subconsciously for a long time.

My door opens, Lin pops his head into my bedroom. I look up and his face falls when he sees my tear filled eyes and blotchy face.

"Olivia.. Sweetheart, what's wrong? Are you ok?" He asks, sitting next to me and wrapping his arms around me. He rubs my arm, I lean into him.

"I'm ok, really. I just couldn't control my emotions any longer, that box brought back so many suppressed memories." I said in between sniffles.

"Will you tell me about your family? I know you don't like talking about it, I respect that, I mean I don't even know what happened to them. But I would love to get to know them." He asks kindly. I haven't told anybody except for Anthony what happened to my family, I don't know if I am ready to spill it to everyone yet. Maybe.

I stand up and lead him to the wall filled with pictures. I show him my mother, father, and all of my brothers. I tell him about all of them, as well as what we used to do together.

"You look just like your mother.." Lin says, he is gazing at all of the photos. "Same eyes, same freckles, same smile. I bet they were amazing."

"They were. Lin, my family died in a car accident. I uh- I never told you and I think I am ready know though." I say. He turns and looks at me.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I nod and continue, I tell the whole story, a few tears fall from my eyes. Lin holds me in his arms after I am done telling my story.

We stand there, he is comforting me. Eventually he had to leave because the show was starting soon. I did my homework, showered, put on a pair of my favorite pajamas and crawled into bed going to sleep early.

Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed. I love you all very much.

- aibhlinn

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