one hundred thirty seven

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I sit down at an empty table in the back and look through my phone notifications. Nothing from Anthony. My heart breaks again and I wipe a tear from my eye. I'm done. I'm officially done, I can't keep letting myself get hurt by him. He doesn't care so neither should I.

"Come on, babe! Dance with me!" I hear Jazzy say, dragging me off of my chair and pulling me to the dance floor.


[Olivia's POV]

I dance with the cast for a while, an hour or two later Lin leaves to get my luggage and then come back to pick me up and take me to the airport.

I go around hugging everyone and saying goodbye until Lin tells me he's outside.

I rush out, it is now pouring. I hop into the car soaking wet and sit in silence as Lin drives. I hate saying goodbyes, I don't want to leave him.

We arrive at the airport and Lin helps me carry my luggage to the doors.

"Alright, kid. This is it." Lin says, looking at me with a smile.

I crash into his arms and wrap mine around him. He hugs me tightly and whispers in my ear, "I love you, Olivia."

"I love you too, Dad." I say.

Lin kisses the top of my head and let's me go. I watch him walk away, turning back to wave to me every ten feet. I watch him until he is lost in the crowd of people.

"Miss? It's time to board the flight." A lady says to me. I nod and walk through the doors. I find my seat on the plane and look out the window.

I'll be back in a year.

[Anthony's POV]

I run through the crowded New York airport, desperately trying to find the doors to her flight. Hoping that I'm not too late.

"Hey watch it!" Someone yells as I almost run into them. I ignore them and keep running.

I see Olivia talking to the flight attendant and I scream her name. "Olivia! Olivia!"

I see her walk through the doors and they close behind her.

I sprint to the flight attendant and say, "I need you to let me on the plane."

"I'm sorry sir, the doors are closed. You missed the flight." She says.

"No, you don't understand. I haven't said goodbye to her, I have to see her or she'll hate me forever." I beg.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do. The plane is taking off any minute now." She says and walks away.

I look out the window and see her in the window seat. I want to scream out her name but I know she won't hear me now. I pull at my hair and feel tears fall from my eyes. I missed it, I missed my chance.

I look down at my hand and see what I was going to give to her before she left. The small sun necklace is tangled in my fingers.

"I'm so sorry." I say as the plane begins to take off. "I'm so sorry."

Hello everyone, haha this chapter got me messed up. decided to give it to you right away instead of making you wait, hope you liked it.

Story is almost done, whoops. What am i going to do now.

love ya.

- aibhlinn

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