one hundred seven

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I watch her drive away and think about what she said. I guess I know that this can't happen again, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt though. 


[Olivia's POV] 

A month passes by and Valentines day arrives. So much has happened in the past month that it feels like it has been much longer than just four weeks. Anthony met this girl and they started dating, her name is Rose, she is really nice and Anthony seems happy which makes me happy. My album is being released in a couple of weeks once everything is finalized which is so exciting. 

Laura is taking me to her friends party tonight after telling me that staying home on a holiday is absolutely the worst thing you can do to yourself. I gave in and now I am heading to her house from school while she sits in my passenger seat singing at the top of her lungs. 

As we pull into her driveway I park the car and we run up to her room to get ready. 

"What did you bring to wear?" She asks me as she jumps on the bed. I grab my bag and pull out my outfit which consisted of a black shift dress, thigh high socks, and heels. I hold them up and she squeals and tells me to put in on. 

I head into her bathroom and get changed. I look at my figure in the mirror and frown, my scale says that I weigh 101 pounds but I still look massive. I pinch the skin on my stomach and sigh, just a few more pounds, Olivia. You can do this, just make it down to 95 and that will be it. 

I return to the bedroom and Laura says, "Please let me do your makeup and hair!" 

"Okay.." I say and sit by her makeup desk. She works on my looks for a while and turns me around when she is done. I look at myself and smile, I actually look pretty good. 

"Thank you!" I tell her and give her a hug. I chill and look at my phone while she gets ready and by the time she is done it is time to go. 

I drive the both of us to the party and we walk in and I immediately see Spencer in the corner with some boy. She glares at me as I walk through the hall with Laura. 

"Well, I guess Spencer's still mad at you." Laura says as we are handed two cups full of alcohol. 

"She needs to get over it." I roll my eyes and sip the drink. I taste a lot of vodka and a little bit of cranberry juice, it is actually really good. After finishing my first I make myself a second. 

I find Laura sitting with a bunch of people talking so I go over and join them. We talk for a couple of minutes until one of the boys says, "Alright, let's go smoke." 

"Want to come, Olivia?" Another guy asks me. I have never smoked before but it couldn't be that bad. I nod and follow them into the garage. 

They begin to light up a joint and I sit in the corner nervously. When it gets passed to me I inhale and watch the smoke fly out of my mouth as I begin to cough. Everyone laughs jokingly and I take another hit. 

Three joints later I am slumped in my chair with my mouth open watching the smoke dance around the room. Everything is hazy and my mind is running a million miles an hour. 

"Dude, everything is so corrupted." I say to Laura who is giggling and eating chips. 

"You are so right!" She exclaims. "The government is seriously watching us all the time and it kinda freaks me out." 

I think about this for a long time before I realize I have to go to the bathroom. 

"I have to pee." I say bluntly and walk out of the garage to find the bathroom. 

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