seventy five

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I hugged her. My head over her body, she just seemed so fragile.

"We love you. All of us."


[Olivia's POV]

I woke up the next morning with a huge headache and the worst sore throat ever. I groaned and smacked my alarm to shut it off.

I heard Anthony sit up in his bed next to me. We had been sharing his bed while I was staying with him. It wasn't ever awkward between us, it's not like we did anything. I just feel safer when he is next to me.

"You ok?" Anthony asks me in his morning voice.

"I feel horrible." I croak. My throat hurts when I talk.

He lifts his hand over to my head and rests it on my forehead. "You're burning up, you need to stay home today." He says.

"But I have a test and homework due and-" I protest.

"Olivia, you can't get anyone sick. You're staying home." He says. "I'm taking you to the doctors though so get up."

I sigh and pull the covers over my head. I hear him get out of bed and walk to my side. He pulls the blanket off my head and scoops my body out of bed.

"Anthony, let me down!" I laugh, my voice sounds so annoying and congested.

He laughs and sets me down and I begin to get ready. I decide to just wear my pajamas to the doctor which is a pair of sweatpants and Anthony's sweatshirt. I brush my teeth and throw my hair up in a bun and head out into the living room to find Anthony dressed and waiting to use the bathroom.

After he is ready we get into his car and he drives to my doctors office. Once inside we walk up to the front desk and check in.

"Olivia?" A woman asks shortly after we sit down. Anthony and I stand up and head to the back. I tell the woman my symptoms and we do a strep test which comes back positive.

"Oh this is just great." I say sarcastically to Anthony. He laughs as we stand up and go check out. We go to the pharmacy and get antibiotics and then head home.

"Alright, so today we are going to stay in bed and watch movies all day. Sound good?" Anthony says as we walk into his apartment.

"I don't want to get you sick!" I protest.

"Oh hush, I never get sick. Come on." He says.

We curl up in his bed and watch Ferris Buellers Day Off. Anthony gets up half way through the movie and makes me some soup.

We watch several more movies, I fall asleep during the 3rd one.

Anthony gently wakes me saying, "Hey, I have to go to the show. I think you should stay here so you don't get any of the performers sick. I will be back later, ok?"

I nod and say goodbye and fall back asleep.

[Anthony's POV]

I feel bad about leaving Olivia alone but I have to get to the show and Lin told me that he doesn't want anyone else getting sick.

I drive to the theater and go get ready for the show. Jasmine is avoiding me which is weird, I thought we were going to be mature about this.

The show begins and I ignore my thoughts about Jasmine, I will deal with them later.

After the show Jasmine pulls me to the side of everyone. "Can we talk when everyone is gone?" She asks.

"I really should get back to Olivia.. Ok, fine." I agree. Olivia will be ok without me for a little while longer.

When the theater clears out Jasmine brings me up to her dressing room. What is she doing? She isn't going to try to kiss me is she? Oh god.

"Jasmine.. What's up?" I ask her.

"I'm pregnant.. Well I was. Anthony, I aborted our baby yesterday.." She says. My eyes widen, my hands ball up, my jaw clenches.

"What?" I say angrily. "How could you do that? You never even told me! How could you do that to my child!"

"Anthony, I'm so sorry! We were broken up and I knew that a child would just complicate things and-" She says.

"No! You had no right to do that without even talking to me about it! We could have worked it out, I would've been there for that child. How dare you!" I am now yelling.

"It was my decision!" She yells back.

"No, it was our decision! I would've taken care of the baby, you knew that I have always wanted kids!" I yell.

"What would you have done about her?" She asks.

"Who?" I ask.

"Oh please, everyone knows you are in love with Olivia except for Olivia." She yells.

"Keep her out of this." I warn. "I can't believe you did this. I will never forgive you for this."

I storm out of her dressing room and leave the theater.

Hello everyone, ummm... Ya that happened. Thoughts?

Hopefully another chapter coming soon. Sorry this one took awhile I have been busy with life and have had like no ideas.

School is coming up, I start August 24th ugh which means that I will be even more busy with school, homework, volleyball, show choir, parties, and stuff and I am hoping to have time to write but it probably won't be as often anymore which makes me very sad ):

Love you so much.

- aibhlinn

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