one hundred twenty one

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"Mr. Ramos?" A deep voice says to me.

"Yes, where is Rose?" I say.

"I'm sorry sir, she's been in an accident.." 


[Anthony's POV] 

1 week later

After I received the news that my girlfriend had died I spent a lot of time alone. Despite how I felt about her, she still died and it hurt. Nobody deserves to die no matter who they were. 

The funeral was absolute hell, her family asked me to speak and of course I did because what was I supposed to say? No sorry I will not speak for your dead daughter because she was an absolute bitch. I couldn't exactly say that. So I made up some bullshit speech about how unfair it was for her to be taken from us so young. 

I have to see Olivia. I have to explain to her everything. That the only reason I hurt her was to protect her from Rose. She is gone now so me and Olivia can be back together again! I need to speak to her now. 

I get in my car and drive to the theater trying to think of what to say. Will she forgive me? I hurt her so badly.. I feel horrible for the things I said to her but will she understand that it wasn't really me? That I had no choice? 

Once I arrive at the theater I practically sprint to her room. I lean against her door and listen as I hear soft guitar chords being played and her sweet voice singing. I knock lightly and hear the music cease. 

"Come in." She says. I enter the room and she is sitting on the floor with her guitar in her lap, her curly hair is messy and unbrushed like she just woke up, she has no makeup on but looks absolutely beautiful. 

"Anthony?" She says as I walk through the door. She gives me a sad look and asks, "How are you doing?" 

"I'm okay, I needed to see you." I tell her. "Explain everything." 

"Maybe right now isn't the best time, Anthony.. I mean Rose only just died, your emotions are probably everywhere. I don't want you to say something you don't mean." She says. 

I lower myself to the floor and sit next to her. I look her in the eyes and say, "Rose was controlling me.. She found out about us and threatened to expose our relationship to the world unless I broke up with you and stayed with her. She was crazy Olivia.." I look up at her and she has no expression on her face except a faint confused glare in her eyes. "I never would have said those things to you but Rose forced me to. I'm still in love with you, Olivia, I never stopped." 

I search her face for any emotion but find nothing, "I moved on, Anthony. I'm with someone else and I'm happy." 

"Please.." I say. "I can't be away from you anymore." 

"I need you to leave." She says. 

"But I told you that Rose-" I begin but she cuts me off. 

"You are a grown man, Anthony.. You couldn't have told her to fuck off because you love me too much to hurt me? You hurt me so much and I can't forgive you for that. Ben is.. He is amazing, and I really like him and he really likes me and we are allowed to be together. We.. I mean we can never be together!" She says and lets out a sigh, "You should go." 

"Don't let me go." I say, reaching for her hand but she pulls it away from me. 

"Please.. Just leave me alone." She says. 

I stand up and look at her but she turns away from me. 

"I never wanted to hurt you and I will never stop trying to make things right." I say and leave the room. 

Hello everyone. Okay lmao you guys are all going to hell for the things you said in the last chapter. Oh my gosh you guys are so mean but I still love you. Nobody deserves to die though, even if she is a fictional bitch with issues. 

How did your heart feel when Olivia turned down Anthony? I know mine is broken. 

What should happen next? I want to get another chapter up but I don't know what to write so give me some ideas. 

I love you so much 

- aibhlinn

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