eighty three

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"Is she going to be ok?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"We are going to do everything that we can, but you should prepare yourself.."


[Lin's POV]

How could this happen? The police told me that they were parked on the side of the road because the storm was so bad. They were trying to be safe and someone who was driving ran into them. What kind of sense does that make?

What am I going to do if Olivia doesn't survive this? I am her father and I told her that I would save her. She changed my entire life and I can't picture going one day without her by my side.

"Lin?" I hear someone call my name from the door. I look up and see Vanessa searching for me.

I wave to her and she comes over and embraces me in a hug.

"How is she?" She asks.

"Not good. They told me to.. to prepare myself. She might not wake up, V." My lips quiver, Vanessa hugs me tighter.

"And Anthony?" She asks, I see the hope in her eyes for better news.

"He's ok, he had minor internal bleeding or whatever but he should be fine. My daughter is hurt and it's all my fault." I say.

"Don't say that, Lin. How could this possible be your fault?" She says.

"I never should've let her go on that vacation. If she didn't go this wouldn't be happening right now. She would be fine and she would be with me and now she might die and I can't do anything about it." I explain.

"We can do something. We can sit here, and we can pray. The cast members will be here soon and we will all be here for her." She says, "Take my hand."

I slip my fingers in between hers and listen to her prayer.

The rest of the cast showed up one by one over the course of an hour, we all sat in the waiting room holding hands and saying prayers.

"Mr. Miranda?" A doctor says from the door, I get up quickly and walk over to him.

"Any news?" I nervously ask. What if he tells me that they are in worse shape than he thought. What if Olivia died?

"Olivia is still in surgery, Anthony just got out and is waking up in recovery. He's asking for you." He explains, I feel some relief when he says that Anthony is ok but still my heart aches for Olivia.

"Yes, of course." I say and follow him as he leads me to Anthony's room.

When I walk in the room I see him, his body all bruised and damaged, it makes me feel sick knowing that Olivia is worse off than this.

"Lin.. I'm so sorry." His voice shakes. "We had pulled over to the side of the road and then a car ran straight into us. It's all my fault, this is all my fault, I can't believe-"

"Anthony, this is not your fault. It was an accident ok, don't blame yourself for this." I rush to his side and place my hand on his shoulder.

"I told you that I would take care of her and now.. Now she might die, how can I not blame myself?" A few tears fall from his eyes.

"Anthony, look at me." I say to him, he looks up at me with sad eyes. "This is not your fault, these things happen and I know that this is horrible and will hurt for a long time but we can't blame ourselves because that isn't going to get us anywhere. Now, get some rest." 

"If she doesn't survive this I don't think I will be able to live. Honestly Lin, she is everything to me." He says, I look down and nod my head in agreement. 

"I know, I know.. We just have to hope for the best and know that Olivia is a strong girl, she will pull through this." 

Hello everyone, how was this chapter? I don't really know because I can't focus, Tori is playing the piano on skype and Kendall is talking about Dan Domenech. But I love them. 

Yeah, that is all. 

- aibhlinn 

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