sixty six

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"But I never thought it could be this bad. Ya and I lost all the love I had. So Olivia, won't you let me in. Ya, I'm in love again." He sings softly before saying, "Goodnight, Olivia." as I drift off to sleep.


[Olivia's POV]

The 3 of us woke up the next morning and went out to the kitchen to make breakfast. We made a bunch of pancakes and ate them while watching reruns of Full House in the living room. We had slept in pretty late, it was 11:00 when we woke up. I had already seen the entire show with Oak over the summer so I spaced out and remembered the phone call from the night before. I am so grateful to have Anthony in my life.

I suddenly remembered that the cast and I were carving pumpkins at noon so I got dressed and brushed my teeth after texting Anthony to come pick me up. Spencer decided to stay here with Laura for the day while I did stuff with the cast. He arrived shortly and we drove to the theater and found everyone in the main room, Lin had laid out towels and the trash bin so that we didn't destroy the theater while doing our Halloween festivities.

I sat next to Javier and Carleigh and began to clean out the pumpkin, Groff was sitting across the room with a disgusted look on his face as he reached inside his pumpkin.

"This is so gross, why couldn't we have just bought the plastic ones?" He says, holding up a handful of seeds and throwing them into the trash.

"Because this is a tradition that we are going to start. Plus, if we didn't use real pumpkins we wouldn't be able to have a competition on whose jack-o-lantern is the best." Lin replied. Apparently he took this sort of thing very seriously.

Lin was bragging about his spectacular idea as I began to carve into the pumpkin.

"Olivia, please do not hurt yourself." Lin says as I dig my knife into the top of the pumpkin.

"Lin, I'm 16, not 5." I reply.

A half hour later the entire cast was finished carving and we lined them up so that we could decide who had the best one. Lin voted that his was the best but everyone other than him agreed that Chris's was the best.

"Groff, what the heck is this?" Lin asked, looking at his friend's work. "It's just a bunch of stab marks.. Also, where is the top?"

"You have to keep the top?" Groff asked, very confused. We all laughed as he dug through the trash to find it.

We all went outside to line them up by the stage door. I placed mine in between Lin's and Pippa's. Lin made me hold mine up and smile next to it as he took a picture and posted it on twitter.

@/lin_manuel : Happy Halloween from my beautiful daughter and her pumpkin @/oliviaorion (btw my pumpkin was better)

I smiled and replied to him.

@/oliviaorion : @/lin_manuel Ya right, my pumpkin was 100x better than yours!

@/chrisissingin : @/oliviaorion Let's remember who won the contest.

@/achapphawk : @/chrisissingin An unfair victory, I am pretty sure you rigged the entire thing.

@/daveeddiggs : @/achapphawk I think that the only thing we will all agree on is that Groff's was the worst.

I laughed at the tweets and put my phone away. I guess Daveed noticed how cold I was by the way my body was visibly shaking so he told me to get on his back and gave me a piggy back ride into the theater. The cast quickly cleaned up the main room and we all crowded in and hung out just talking for a while.

"I am so not ready for the ringing of my doorbell every 5 seconds tonight." Jazzy says, "Olivia do you want to come over tonight?"

"I actually have plans, I am staying at Laura's again tonight. We are doing some Halloween girl stuff, I don't really know." I tell her.

"I'm starving.. Olivia, let's go out for lunch. Anybody else want to come?" Lin asks, I smile and get up from the couch I was sitting on. Pippa and Jazzy are coming with us.

We all meet up at some restaurant, it's small but cute, we sit down at a booth in the back and order some food. Once we order Lin brings up the topic that everyone has been too scared to ask since Jazzy got back from her trip.

"So.. How are you and Anthony?" He asks, sipping on his water.

"Fine, we actually talked it out last night. We are going to remain friends but we aren't getting back together." She says.

"Well that's good that you guys can be adults about this. It would suck if you guys like hated each other." Pippa says, I nod in agreement.

"I'm just glad that you are back." I say to her, she winks and flashes a big smile at me.

"God, where the heck is our food? I'm starving.." Jazzy complains, looking around the restaurant for our waiter. The waiter eventually shows up with our food which makes Jazzy very happy and we all eat while talking about random things.

We leave the restaurant after we are all done eating and head back to the theater where I pack a bag of sleepover things and everything that Spencer and I need for our costumes and wait for Laura to come pick me. She shows up in her small black car and I get in after yelling goodbye to Lin.

We drive back to her house and find Spencer in her room. We hang out and watch movies until it starts to get dark out.

We all begin to get ready for the night, putting on our costumes and putting on makeup. It is a college party so we have to look older and mature. Spencer is the first to get ready, she goes into the bathroom to get ready, Laura and I stay in her bedroom listening to music and talking. She comes back into the room after a little bit wearing black skinny jeans and a black crop top, she has on little cat ears.

Laura goes to get ready and comes back out in a dress that is just like the one that Wednesday Addams wears, her hair in a middle part and 2 braids. She has a dark lipstick on her lips.

Finally I go and get dressed. I put on a lacey black dress that flares at the waist, reaching the midpoint of my thigh. I let my long curly hair fall down naturally, then do a smokey eye, give myself an intense contour and then a dark red lipstick. Finally I put on the 2 fake vampire teeth that I bought. I slip into my black booties with a heel. I walk out and my 2 friends grin at my costume.

Lexi texts me that she is here and we hurry out and hop into her car. She is wearing a black skin tight bodysuit that is made of latex but nothing else. I ask her what she is wearing and she replies with, "I don't really know but it's hot so whatever!"

She zooms off into the city after yelling, "Alright girls, let's take on the night!"

Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

Confession - I am Olivia. The character is based off of my life. And I am really scared.

I love you, remember that.

- aibhlinn

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