sixty two

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The distance between the 2 of us was small, our bodies a few inches apart. I fell asleep to the steady sounds of her breathing.


[Olivia's POV]

The next day, Spencer and I went to school like usual, she had to work after school again so it was just me until she gets back. The cast didn't have a show until 7:30 so Lin asked me to make another cover on periscope when I got home which I agreed to.

Right now I was just standing outside waiting for Anthony to pick me up Spencer and I. He arrived shortly and we dropped Spencer off at work then he asked me.

"Wanna go to the coffee shop for a little while?"

"Ya, let's do it." I replied. He smiled and drove us to the coffee shop. We ordered, he paid, and then we sat down in my usual spot in the back.

"How are you? we haven't hung out in a while." He asked.

"I'm alright, I mean I miss Jasmine and the whole Spencer and her parents stresses me out and makes me feel sick but other than that.. I'm alright." I reply.

"Olivia, you shouldn't let her problems affect you like that. You're heart is just too big isn't it?" He said with a smile.

"Lin said the same thing." I said laughing quietly, "I don't know, I just don't want her to feel upset over this. It isn't her choice to be gay and it disgusts me that her parents won't accept her for what she can't control."

"You just proved my point. Babe, she made your life complete hell for a while but here you are, concerned about her well being. Most people wouldn't do that." He said.

I shrugged and looked down in embarrassment. "She made a mistake and she apologized. She also fixed it by going to the principal and reporting herself. Why wouldn't I forgive her?"

"You are the most forgiving person I've ever met. You are inspiring." He said, his eyes burned into mine. I smiled and looked down again.

"Have you heard from Jasmine?" I asked him, sipping my coffee slowly.

"No.. I'm sorry about her leave, It's my fault and I know you guys were like best friends and-" He says until I interrupt him.

"I'm not angry at you and it's not your fault. You did the right thing anyways, it's better to be honest instead of protecting her heart with a lie. I'm just selfish and I miss her." I say.

"You're not selfish.." He says, again his eyes locked into mine.

We chat for a little while longer, enjoying the time alone to talk and drink good coffee. After an hour or so I say that we should get going and that I am doing a cover for Lin today.

"Can I be in the room while you are periscoping? I always watch them on my phone but I would love to hear you in person, it's been a while." He asks while we get inside of his car.

"Sure!" I say as I buckle up. He drives us back to the theater and we walk inside. We go up into Lin's room where we find him waiting for me on his couch.

"Finally! Your fans are being so impatient." Lin says as we walk through the door.

"Fans?" I question, making my way over to the guitar that was leaning against the wall. I began to tune it as Lin told me all about my new fan base.

"Ya, you have a bunch of fan pages and they are all fanning over you. They haven't shut up since I tweeted we were doing another cover today." Lin explained. I laughed and strummed the guitar strings, they were all in tune.

"Ready." I said.

Lin began the broadcast, him and Anthony talked to the fans for a little bit while I went over the chords once again in my head.

They reading from the comments aloud when Lin said, "They want Anthony to sing with you!"

"That would be awesome." I said. I told him the song to see if he knew it which he did. We quickly went over who will be doing which verse and those things, meanwhile Lin was talking to everyone while we talked it over.

"Ok, we're ready." We both said. Lin smiled and turned the camera view around so it was facing the 2 of us.

I began to strum the guitar and softly sang, "I'm sorry you saw me shaking. Stay with me for a day. I've got no one to hold me. Cause I, I turn them all away." I looked up and took a breath, continuing to play the guitar, Anthony was looking into my eyes listening to the soft strums of the instrument. I continued, "I don't wanna be alone. But I'm better on my own."

He joined me with the next part, "Cause I'm fragile. God, I'm fragile."

Then it was his part to sing solo, "I'm sorry you saw me breaking. But stay with me don't stray. God, I wish you would hold me closely. Don't think I don't feel the same. I'm better on my own. But I don't wanna be alone"

We came together in harmony to sing the rest of the song.

"Cause I'm fragile. God, I'm fragile. God, I wish I could love you. God, I wish I could love you. God, I wish I could love you. God, I wish I could love you. Cause I'm fragile. God, I'm fragile."

I finished the last chord and Anthony's face erupted in a smile as well a mine.

Hello everyone, hope you are well and safe and ya.

Comment if you're an Olithony shipper (Olivia and Anthony), Spivia shipper (Olivia and Spencer), or C none of the above because you are against love and peace and happiness and can never betray Jazzy even though this isn't a real story.

Alright so I am grounded for at least a month, most likely more. I think that I will be able to write my stories but I can't promise that it will be as frequent as before. I am very sorry.

Also, the picture added in this chapter is just who I picture playing Spencer. Obviously if you picture her a different way, you keep doing that, but for those who are curious this is how I picture her. I will be doing this with some other characters.

Writing is really helping me cope with what is going on so hopefully I will be able to get a lot of work done.

- aibhlinn

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