eighty one

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The night passes us by and soon I feel her body completely relax in my arms and I know that she fell asleep. I pick her up and take her to bed, covering her body with several blankets to fight against the cold that floats through the cabin.

"Goodnight, Olivia." I say and kiss her on the forehead before falling asleep. 


[Olivia's POV]

The next day we spend inside due to the rain that pours down from the dark sky. The violent winds blow against the house, rain drops pounding on the roof. We drink tea, talk about random things, listening to music, and calm, wonderful things like that. 

All too soon the sun sets, although the storm keeps raging on, and Anthony says that we should pack up our things and leave for home seeing as I have school tomorrow and he has a rehearsal for Hamilton. It feels like it has been weeks since we have left but really it has only been a few days. 

"How's Spencer?" He asks me as I begin to throw my clothes inside my bag. 

I sigh and shove a t shirt to the bottom of my bag and say, "I hadn't really thought about her all weekend. I am sure she still hates me though.." 

"She doesn't hate you, Olivia. She.. She, uh, she loves you." He stutters and looks away from me. I roll my eyes at how awkward he is, but at the same time it is undeniably adorable. He always trips up on his words when talking about these kinds of things. 

After packing our things, we clean up the cabin completely and lock up the doors. We sprint to his car, the rain wets our skin and my hair begins to uncurl and darken due to the water. 

I close the car door behind me, wiping the rain drops off of my face and shiver as Anthony turns on the heat. 

"I don't want to leave." I sigh as he pulls out of the driveway. 

"Don't you miss Lin?" He asks. 

"Of course but it was an amazing weekend, I really needed a break from everything." I reply. He smiles and turns on the radio, the simple tunes filling the car is a comforting match with the intense patter of rain on the car. 

Visibility becomes worse and worse as the storm continues raging on, Anthony pulls over to the side of the road to wait for it to let up. 

"Sing to me?" I ask him, I am incredibly bored just sitting in the car. 

He smiles and looks up, thinking of a song to sing. His eyes light up as one comes into his head and he takes a breath and begins singing. 

"Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are. I had to find you. Tell you I need you. Tell you I set you apart." He softly sings, I smile at his calm voice and sing the next part. 

"Tell me your secrets. And ask me your questions. Oh, let's go back to the start. Running in circles. Coming up tails. Heads on a science apart." I grin and look down after finishing and we both sing the chorus in unison. Our voices blending together perfectly, it was like our voices were designed to sing together. We sing through the song, we both know it by heart. The streaks of car lights fly by us in the dark while we wait out the storm which is still surrounding us in a devilish hug. 

Anthony begins to sing on his own and I listen to him, looking out the rain streaked windows, "Questions of science. Science and progress. Do not speak as loud as my heart. Tell me you love me. Come back and haunt me. Oh, and I rush to-" 

His voice is interrupted by the screeching of car wheels on the slick pavement, the noise stops as the car slams into our vehicle. I feel my body fly forward and intense noise surrounds my ears and everything silences. My body hits something and I feel sharp pain on my skin. I can no longer tell which direction is up as the car continues to roll and then everything stops and my body is still. My eyes droop and I feel them involuntarily shut and then everything is gone and I feel nothing. 

Hello everyone, lol yikes an accident. Sorry but I love sadness. 

Hope you enjoyed despite it being quite boring before the whole incident. I am very sad about life right now and all I want to do right now is cry and that is exactly what I am going to do. Goodnight, love you. 

- aibhlinn

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