Chapter 9: Memories in the Rain

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Hey guys go check out my new book 'Oh great, I'm stuck with a flamingo?!' It's a anime book but I hope you guys will check it out!! I might start updating the chapters tomorrow! Well here's the ninth chapter I hope you like it:)
Warning: I suck at grammar!!!


I look up at the grey rainy sky and smile, I always loved the rain and right now I'm letting it wash away everything. My thoughts, my sadness and my guilt even though I was supposed to bury that with my team.

"You know I have always loved the rain" I smile at Mason as he watches the rain with happiness

"Me to"

"I especially loved it when me and Lucy would dance in the rain"

"That sounds romantic" I look at Mason with sadness, he lost his wife a week ago and has been really depressed. He wouldn't even talk to us but I got tired of it and forced him to, I couldn't watch him turn into a lifeless shell it would have broke me.

He chuckles and pulls me into a hug "it was, oh how I miss her" I wrap my arms around him holding him tight

"I miss her to Mason, she was like a grandmother to me" I feel him squeeze me tighter and I smile a sad smile

"She would always ask how you were doing and when I would bring you up when we talked about the navy it would always bring a smile to her face" I feel something wet hit my neck making me look down at Mason and the sight I see brings tears to my eyes, he's holding me tight and crying not like a few tears full out sobbing and it breaks my heart.

He loved Lucy so much and losing her was like losing his other half

"Haze, promise not to die before me. I can't lose you to" I smile and hold him even tighter

"I promise I won't go before you, old man"

"Thanks kid" I roll my eyes when he calls me that but it brings a smile to my face, he seems to be turning back into his old self

"No problem, old geezer. Just make sure not keel over anytime soon" he laughs and let's me go to pat my head

"I won't, don't worry kid"

"I'll try not to"

I open my eyes and see the rain come down harder, sighing I stand from the bench I've been siting on and start my 10 minute walk back to the asylum. I decided to go out for lunch since Jane was out sick today and I didn't want to eat alone, but when I stepped out of the restaurant it started raining cats and dogs. Not that I minded, I just sat down and enjoyed the rain getting soaked in the process.

Showing the guards my ID card they let me in and I start the walk to my office leaving a trail of water after me. Unlocking my office door I step inside and grab a towel from my bin and dry off, putting on a new outfit I sit back in my chair and sigh. Loving the silence, that is rudely interrupted by my phone. Glancing at the screen I see its time for my session with the joker, groaning I slide on my other doctor's coat and check myself in the mirror hanging on my office wall.

 Glancing at the screen I see its time for my session with the joker, groaning I slide on my other doctor's coat and check myself in the mirror hanging on my office wall

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(The outfit she changed into)

Stepping into the joker's cell he greets me with his cruel smile

"Hello doll"

"Hello joker" he looks me up and down and licks his lips

"My, my you get uh more beautiful every time i see you" I roll my eyes at his flattery and sit in front of him

"Today I'm going to ask you some questions" he nods and I set my notebook on the metal table in front of me

"Why do you like chaos?"

"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order and everything becomes..........chaos. Doing a simple thing could lead to chaos, that's why I love it!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

I wait for him to stop his laughter and when his maniacal laughter turns to little giggles I ask another question

"Is their a reason why you kill people?"

"Because in their last moments, people show you who they really are" he giggles and gives me a big smile

"I feel like there's another reason, mind telling me?"

"Heh your sharp, dollface. Well nobody panics when things go 'according to plan.' Even if that plan is horrifying! If tomorrow I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all 'part of the plan.' But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!!"

I flinch at the soldier comment, but I understand what he's saying. Looking at the joker I see him watching me, I raise an eyebrow at him and he laughs.

"Oh doll, your amazing! I'm liking you more and more!!" He stand from his chair and walks towards me, moving behind me I feel his hand on my throat

"Your so interesting, doll!" That's when he start to add pressure and my airway is blocked off, I grab his wrist to try and get his hand of my neck neck but it's doesn't budge. So I head butt him with the back of my head and stomp on his foot, he curses and let's go of my neck holding his nose. He starts his insane laughter and I turn to look at him, he gives me his cruel smile making me glare at him

"Ah so feisty! I love it!" I turn to the door and step out of his cell, his laughter following me

"Doll!! You will be MINE!! Remember that!!"

Walking to my office I step inside and look in the mirror to see a little bruise forming on my neck, I sigh and my eyes travel further down to the bullet wound on my chest. Running my fingers over the scar I clutch on to my dog tags that were hidden inside my shirt. Looking up I smile at myself in the mirror

"You should try harder, Joker......... If you want me to break"

Yay another chapter!! I hope you like it I had a hard time writing it! I'm starting to get writers block so help me!! Comment or message me any ideas you have for chapters it would mean a lot!!
Thank you for reading!!!!
Stay lovely💜💚

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