Chapter 12: You're my friend now

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I hope you like it~
Warning: I suck at grammar!!!!
Also there might be some cussing!


Groaning at the sunlight I cuddle into the warmth beside me comfy pillow..........wait pillows don't move, right? Cracking my eyes open I'm greeted by a naked tattooed chest "what the hell?!" I move to jump off he bed but I'm so caught in the covers that I fall on my face. Hearing a groan I glance up at the joker to see him opening his eyes why the hell was he sleeping with me?! And where is his shirt?! Though I don't really mind seeing his body.............what?! No I did not say I didn't mind seeing his naked body! Nope, no, nada

"Hazel?" I shiver when he says my name

"Uh y-yeah?" I glance up at him and he looks confused

"Why are you on the floor?"

"I uh fell off the bed" he nods and stands up from the bed so he's standing in front of me, he bends down and picks me up then sets me on the bed surprising me.

"Uh joker you okay?" He raises a non existent eyebrow at me

"Yes I'm fine, why?"

"Because your uh acting really um different?" He tenses when i say that then walks into the bathroom leaving me alone

Shrugging I fall back asleep on the surprisingly comfy bed

Time skip..........

Opening my eyes again I glance at the alarm clock on the joker's night stand

"2:00 pm"

Wow I've never slept that long before, standing from the bed I walk into the bathroom to take a shower. When I get undressed I step into the shower and sigh happily, I've always loved water and taking showers always calm me and make me happy. Picking up the joker shampoo I wash my hair along with his conditioner, when I'm done with my shower I step out and quickly dry off then put the clothes I had on earlier back on.

Time skip........

It's been 6 hours and I'm seriously freaking bored!!!!!! There's nothing to do in the jokers room and I haven't got any food either so I'm pissed, hungry and bored!!!!!!!!! Groaning I fall back onto the bed and close my eyes but I don't fall asleep I just..............think of everything that's happened to me good and bad.

Hearing the door open I tense and open my eyes but relax when I see its the joker, he looks really tired and he's covered in blood. When he finally notices me his face seems to brighten and I have no idea why

"Ah doll, how have you been?"

I roll my eyes and sigh "I'm good only starving, bored and pissed off"

His eyes garden when I say starving which makes me raise an eyebrow

"I'll take you to the kitchen in a minute" then he walks into the bathroom

5 minutes later the joker walks out of the bathroom free of blood and dressed in purple pajama pants and a black shirt. When he walks out the door leaving it open I assume he wants me to follow him so that's what I did, we stop at a door an he opens it to reveal a kitchen.

"Eat whatever you want"

I walk over to the fridge and pull out stuff to make a sandwich when I finish my delicious sandwich I make another one for the joker. When I'm done I put everything away and set the sandwiches on the table


The joker sits in front of me at the table and I'm reminded of our sessions at Arkham, sighing I finish my sandwich and watch the joker. He's interesting so I'm going to make him my friend, plus he's adorable well at least to me he is

"Hey" the joker looks at me and gives me a questioning look

"You're my friend now" his face morphs into a shocked one


"I said you're going to be my friend"

"You're weird" rolling my eyes at him I chuckle

"Gee thanks~"

Hey guys sorry it was so short!! But I hope you liked it~
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Thank you for reading!!!
Stay lovely💚💜

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