Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"You guys are crazy! It's freezing!" So maybe I was exaggerating just a bit, because it wasn't freezing, but there was a slight chill in the air. The water was going to be cold.

"Oh, don't be a wimp Dino girl," Caden teased me. All three boys stripped down to their boxers and jumped in right away. I stood on the creaky, wooden dock glaring down at them.

"Come on sweet cheeks! Take those clothes off and jump in! Live a little," Tav tried. Then I thought, why not?

"Agh! Fine!" I then proceeded to strip down to my bra and undies. I cursed under my breath when I saw that I was wearing my Victoria's Secret set. Of all days, why did I choose to wear my most expensive pair of undergarments. I subtly ignored the way Tav, Caden and even Talon stared at my body. Unadulterated desire flashed through his grey eyes, but then he looked away.

"Wow, impressive for a Dino girl. Is that a six pack I see?" Caden squinted his eyes as he waded closer.

"Well come on, we're waiting," Tav said, excitement swimming in his dark eyes. I had a hard time keeping my eyes off all of their naked chests. They all had hard, impressive muscles. I dipped my toe in, and sucked air into my lungs. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"No way! It's too cold!" I started to back up when Caden stood from the water predatorily, and slowly started to walk towards me. His wet boxers clung greedily to his hips, and his you know what, making my eyes go wide. My cheeks flushed pink as I looked up into his dangerous eyes.

"Caden, no! Don't you dare!" I backed up more, and started to scream as he took off towards me running.

I squealed as soon as his cold arms wrap around my bare waist. He jogs back to the edge of the dock and I push down the panic.

"No, no, no, no-," I'm cut off as Caden leaps into the lake. My muscles clench up as the cold water envelopes Caden and I. I push against the water, and ignore the gross feeling of the slimy mud between my toes.

I come up spitting mad, but Caden, Tav and Talon are laughing too hard to notice. I lunge at Caden and push down in his shoulders, dunking him under the water. We messed around in the water, splashing each other and having fun. Talon would smile and laugh with his two friends, but when we would make eye contact the warmth in his eyes would dissipate. It was actually quite discouraging; that and it created tension in the air around us.

"You cold?" I jumped, surprised by the suddenness of a voice behind me. I spin around, the water rippling away from me in small waves. Talon looked down at me, his grey eyes burning with intensity. His glistening chest was inches from my face, and I was trying to subtly coax air into my oxygen deprived lungs. I was too busy wading in the water and watching the boys mess around to notice that my body was shaking violently. And no matter how much I moved, I was getting colder. Talon's surprisingly warm hand grabbed my bicep and started to pull me through the water. Probably to drown me; it wouldn't surprise me. He hates my guts.

"What are you doing," I asked cautiously.

"Olivia is getting cold, I'm gonna get her a towel." Talon called to Caden and Tav who were playfully wrestling each other. The two boys nodded, and I fought against blush that threatened to cover my face as my bare skin was exposed. I looked over my shoulder when the noise stopped, and glared at Caden and Tav when I saw them ogling my ass.

"Perverts," I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" Talon looked glanced down at me as we walked, with his hand still gripping my arm. I would rather cut my own foot off before admitting that I liked the way his skin felt on mine.

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