Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Knock, knock, knock.

A timid set of knocking woke me from my fitful sleep. I sat up from my bed, surrounded by pillows and blankets. I pushed them aside, and wiped my dark hair out of my face.

"Come in," I croaked. The door opened to reveal my mom, who wore a somber smile. Immediately my defenses were up, and my blurry eyes darted around my room for any signs of danger.

"Mom?" I asked cautiously.

"Good morning sweetie." I narrowed my eyes at her, and she diverted her attention from me, looking at the walls.

"What is it?" I snapped.

"Just please stay calm Olivia." The hair on the back of my neck raised at her words and I slowly peeled my covers back. I opened my mouth to ask what she was talking about, but I was cut off.

"RAWR!" I jump in surprise as Caden bursts into my room with his hands curled in the air. I look at his face and frown as I observe his curled lip.

"What are you doing?" My tone indicated that I was not impressed.

"Well I figured that's the only suitable way to wake my Dino girl." Caden winked at me, but his face fell when he finally noticed my glare. He took a little step back and his face paled.

"No I mean, what are you doing in my house?" If my glare could kill, he would be six feet under the ground right now.

"We are here to take you to school sweet cheeks." Tav's deep voice brought my attention to the hallway outside my room. His deep brown eyes smiled along with his mouth. My eyes wandered to the left and I gulped as I made unsteady eye contact with Talon. He stood with his arms crossed, and wore a blank expression. His impressive biceps flexed as he shifted his weight and tucked his hands in his front pockets, leaning against the wall. Lord have mercy. I shook my head free from my lusty thoughts and looked over to my mom.

"What's this?" my tone was accusatory.

"Baby, they told me the whole situation with Max, and they vowed to me to protect you. I trust them." My mom never trusted anyone, so her trusting three gang hooligans is a big thing in her book. But that doesn't mean that I trust them, because I don't.

"Just get out." I waved my hand as I fell back on my bed. It was way too early to deal with anything like this. The door shut and I was met with silence. I sighed heavily and groaned aloud as I sat back up. I rubbed my tired eyes and started to walk forward, but a body blocked me from moving anymore. Startled, I look up and I am met with the stormy grey eyes of Talon. Just for a quick flash, I saw a cloud of emotions, but with a snap of fingers, it was gone.

"Is there any reason you are still here Talon?" His left eyelid twitched when his name left my lips.

"Yeah, to make sure Max-"

"I meant in my room." I bit down on my lip to keep from smiling. His eyes flitted down to my lips, before his expression hardened again.

"Just hurry up and get down stairs." I raised my hand to my forehead and mocked saluted him with a dramatic look marring my face. Talon glowered down at me, but his eyes swam with mirth. He turned and without another word, left me alone to get ready for school.

I slowly showered and  delayed getting dressed just to irk Talon. I settled on cream colored sweater that was chunky and ridiculously warm. I pulled on my favorite pair of dark skinny jeans, and for shoes, my boots. I placed my hair in two Dutch braids, then decided to keep my contacts in instead of my glasses.

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