Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

I was still pissed off as Talon pulled up to his driveway. Although I couldn't exactly put it past him for him to pull a stunt like that. 

"Olivia." With a glare planted firmly on my face, I glance over at Talon expectantly. He frowned and leaned over, with his hand extended. I flinch away, glaring even harder at his hand. Talon sighs and a flash of disappointment crosses his face, before getting out of the truck. I follow suit, not really knowing how to act around him anymore. 

"Stop." Talon grabbed my hand, and yanked me against his chest. I place my hands against his chest, and push him away gently. I did not appreciate -for the most part- the way his body felt, heat seeping through his shirt and onto my skin. 

"What?" I snap as I glower up into his eyes. I have NO clue how to act. Do I act cold? Hot?

"Don't be like that." Talon's snappy tone matched mine as his grey eyes crackled with intensity.

"Don't be like what?" I tried backing up again, but Talon smirked and shook his head as he grabbed my wrist. 

"Talon, I just don't know how to act around you anymore." I tried to struggle out of his arms, but his lips thinned and he tightened his grip. 

"Just act as if we are friends," he nearly hissed the words, as if they were poison in his mouth. "if that helps." He finally let me go and walked into the house silently. As I sigh and follow him into the house, I wonder what the hell I'm getting myself into. 

The next day I lay awake in my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. 

So Talon likes me. 

I maybe like him back. 

Oh, what am I thinking? Of course I do. I just don't know how to allow myself to open up. It's too dangerous, yet resisting him is almost futile. How do I let him in? HOW? 

I sat up suddenly as a thought occurred to me. Mina! Of course! 

I hurriedly jump out of bed, get dressed and grab my phone. It rings four times before she finally picks up. 

"Sweet Cheeks?" Tav's voice made me smile slightly. I was beginning to accept the fact that Tav, Caden and Mina were in it for the long haul. They knew how to handle themselves, unlike the others. 

"Tav, I need to speak to Mina." 

"Yeah, hold on." I heard some shuffling, then Mina's melodious voice appears. 


"Hey, can I ask you a question?" I chew on the inside of my cheek nervously. 


"Can we skip today, I need to talk to you about something." Please say yes.

"Awe, I wish I could babe. But I have an important test in the morning. I can pick you up after lunch? Also, I can't pick you up this morning. Is that alright?" I sigh heavily, but nod anyway. 


"Oh, yeah, that should work. See you then." I hung up and threw my phone on the bed. Now, since I had no choice but to go to school, I head downstairs to ask my mom for a ride. When I call out her name as my feet hit the bottom, I get no response. Frowning, I call out her name again and walk into the kitchen, then living room. I look out the window, and sigh when I notice her car is gone. I kept forgetting that she left extra early in the morning some days. 

Grabbing my back pack, I exit the house, lock the door behind me, and exhale into the crisp air. I huddle closer into my hoodie and smile as I look up into semi-dark sky. The air looked as if it was about burst with rain, and even if it did - I wouldn't complain. I love rain. 

As I was walking along on the empty road covered by trees, a certain chill creeps up my spine. My body tenses, the muscles coiling up and my fists clench at my sides. My eyes dart around, searching for signs of danger. I stop walking and do a slow circle, keeping my eyes glued to the trees. My heart pounded in my chest as I dropped my back pack to the ground. Deep down, I knew something was going to go down. It was the calm  before the storm; everything went still and silent before I was hit. I grunted as a foot connected with my temple, and I fell to the damp asphalt. 

Ignoring the sudden onslaught of dizziness, I jump back up and whirl around. Only when I circled around, I found nothing. 

"Damn it! That kick should have brought her down!" I heard a loud whisper off to the left in the trees. 

"She's not like the others. This might take some work." I heard in response. 

"Come out and fight! Pussies!" I scream. Seconds later, I was tackled from behind. I hit the concrete hard. Holding back the cry of pain, I contort my body so I'm on my back. Since his head is nearly on breasts, I bring my elbow down and slammed it against his skull. Cursing he let me go, and I roll away from him, only to be met with another pair of boots. I look up into the face of the guy who stabbed me at the high school. 

He sneers down at me, and kicks my stomach repeatedly. I roll away again, and hop to my feet. Using my quick speed, I aim and connect my foot with the man's knee cap. He screams and falls to his uninjured leg. His other arm strikes out to try to grab me, but I swing my leg, kicking his throat. He falls to the ground, holding his throat and trying to catch his breath. 

The other man grabs me from behind and slams me to the ground. He jumps on top of me, and delivers punch after punch into my mouth and nose. I could taste to the saltiness of my blood as the man continued to pummel my face. I bucked my hips wildly, and that seemed to get him enough off balance. I stretched my leg and slammed it into his head. He fell off, but at the corner of my eye to more men came out of the trees. 

"Fuck." Once again, I was tackled to the ground, but before his fist could kiss my face, he was yanked off of my hips. I look up through blurry eyes and blanch at the sight of an absolutely livid Talon. 

"Shit, let's get out of here! He will rip us to shreds." The three men carried the one man I took down myself and ran with their tails between their legs. Talon looked back down at me with a white worried face. 

"Olivia," he sighed my name and I accepted his hand to help me up. 

"Fuck, look at all of the blood on your face." I shook my head, and that was a big mistake. The dizziness took over and I welcomed the tiredness pulling at my mind. 

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A xo

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