Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Caden stumbled back from the bed, and fell on his ass. His eyes glazed over as he looked up at me with disbelief.

"Y - You. . . " I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well it's actually a cyst with two tumors on it, but we haven't done any procedures to see if it's benign or malignant. It's given me endless headaches and I get dizzy really easily. I've had a seizure here and there, but my mom and I don't have enough money to get any surgery done." I shrugged my shoulders like it wasn't a big deal, but internally I was screaming. I was having a panic attack because I just shared deeply intimate information to someone that isn't my mom.

I'm freakin' out!

"Olivia-," his voice broke and he closed his eyes as if he's in pain.

"That's not even the worst though. I have a-" I pressed my lips together when I realized I was going to feed him more information.

"You have a what? Surely it can't be worse than a brain tumor." Caden stood up, his legs shaking slightly.

"Trust me," I said darkly. "It's worse."

Caden sat down next to me, and suddenly gathered me in a large hug. I sat at an awkward angle and patted his back.

"Caden," I said once he let go," you can't say anything. To anyone."

"Why not?" he whined.

"Because if you do, I will put this town in my rear view mirror and leave." I narrowed my eyes as Caden blanched.

"You can't! I love you!" I gave Caden a double take, and my heart dropped.

No. . .

"Caden, uh-"

"Not like that Dino girl. Geez. I have my heart saved for someone else." His eyes darted to his bedroom door, then back to me.

"If you don't want me to leave yet, you zip it. It's not anyone else's business." I crossed my legs and leaned forward to see Caden clearer in the dark room.

"It's Talon's. You guys are a thing." Without a warning, I delivered a strong punch to Caden's shoulder.

"OW! What the fuck was that for? Jesus C, I forgot how hard you hit." Caden rubbed his shoulder as he frowned down at me.

"Talon and I are not a thing. We had sex, that's it. And it was a big ass mistake." I put my hand up when Caden opened his to retort.

"Nuh - uh. Don't you have somewhere to be?" I snapped unhappily. Caden grumbled as I hopped down from his bed and exited his room.

Three hours later I got a call from Mina.


"Hey! Talon won! Woo! Anyway, we are all heading back to Talon's house. I will text you to let you know when we get there, and are settled." Mina's voice was a bundle of excited nerves.

"Sounds good." We hung up and I walked over to Lexi who was still sleeping on Caden's couch. I kneel down by her face and smile as I gently touch her shoulder. I shook her slightly and she opened her eyes sleepily. She just looks at me through her groggy eyes, then shoots up.

"Is it time?" Lexi asked, her voice nervous.

"In a little bit yes. I thought you would like a little time to prepare," I offered kindly. Lexi looked down at her clothes and nodded.

"I don't have anything to wear though."

"No problem. You can borrow some clothes from me." Lexi followed me up the stairs, staying quiet. She was very nervous, I could tell by her trembling hands and quivering lip. As we ended up in my room, I turned around to face her. I placed my hands on her shoulders and killed her square in the eye. Her shimmering grey eyes watched me closely as her blond hair swished around with her movements.

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