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Three years later. . .

"Come on you look fine." I peer over at Mina who looked at me with a wide smile on her multi-colored face. She wore a strapless red dress that was simple, yet elegant in every sense of the word. She had match blood red pumps, and her long hair was up in an elegant up do.

"I just wish you would tell me where we were going." I looked into the long mirror with a frown. I wore a little black dress that was held up with two tiny straps. It hung loosely on my body, making my curves more pronounced. I turn around and my eyes widened. The dress virtually had no back as it swooped down and rested right above my bum. I felt so exposed it was ridiculous. I slipped my feet into a pair of pale pink stilettos.

My hair that had been so short, finally grew out to its long length. I remember when I had woken up three years ago. I woke up, feeling paralyzed and disgusting. They told me that they misdiagnosed me being brain dead. There was a malfunction with the machines; I was just in a coma.

Then I had remembered everything. Cyrus killing Max, me killing Cyrus. It came rushing back, and I had tried sitting up. But my mom held me down. I looked around searching for Talon, but he was nowhere to be found.

Then suddenly he bursted into the room with Caden, tears running down his face. He had run to my side, and we embraced for what felt like hours. He had to be told multiple times to let me go. He had lain between my legs, crying happily. It was mind boggling.

I remember Talon helping me to the bathroom, and when I took a look at myself, I nearly crumbled to the ground. My hair was missing and being a girl, I was attached to it. As I was recovering, Talon carried me everywhere since I couldn't walk.

Zooming in back to the present, I took a deep, steadying breath. The upper half of my black hair was in two cute space buns, while the rest laid in beach curls.

"Olivia." My eyes snap up as I look at Lexi through the mirror. I turn around and gather her in a hug. I bent down and kissed her belly that was swollen for the second time.

"How's my baby girl?" I cooed. The first baby they had was a boy, and named him Gabriel. Their second is gonna be a baby girl, and they are going to name her Abigail. 

"When are you gonna start to pop out some babies Dinos? Talon needs to get to it!" Caden came in behind Lexi winking at me. I stand up straight and stick my tongue out in disgust.

I motion to my uterus, "no babies are popping out of this vagina." Lexi frowned at my crude choice of words.

"Let's go!" Tav barged in the room smiling. I still had no clue what was going on as Lexi took on hand, and Mina the other. I jerked when a blindfold was placed over my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I said out loud as they led me through Talon's house, (not the one he lived in wit Farrah and Lexi.) Talon had "forgotten" to tell me he is ridiculously rich.

"It's a surprise."

"It's a surprise," I childishly mocked. I allowed Lexi and Mina to lead me around, but I stopped once the chilly Fall air nipped at my skin.

"No, no. You tell me what we are doing!" I struggled against Mina and Lexi, but they held onto me tightly. I knew that I could easily push them away, but Lexi is pregnant and Mina is. . . Mina; a fragile butterfly.

"Dude, chill. It involves your man." I instantly calmed down. I narrowed my eyes underneath the blindfold as I listened to Caden laugh. I knew they were leading me into the wooded area, because there was a cobblestone pathway that led right into a thatch of trees. It was silent as I held onto the girls, but then quiet music started to play.

I could nearly feel Mina's smile I stopped walking again. Ed Sheeran started playing and I felt like crying. I had a flash back to Talon and I dancing on my living room the night I finally let go of my fears.

We walked a couple more feet and I knew that I was close to him. It was like his soul called out to mine. Mina and Lexi let go of my hands as the blindfold was taken off of my eyes. I gasped when my view finally came into focus. Tav, his girlfriend, my mom, her new beau, Farrah, Lexi's son as well as Mina's, stood off to the side grinning at me.

A ginormous tree stood behind Talon, and it was covered in hundreds of white lights, lighting the dark field.

"T - Talon? What's going on babe?" He held out his arms, so naturally I walked forward and gave him a quick, hard kiss. He placed his warm hands on my waist and I frowned as I felt them shake. He pushed me away slightly so he could take a step back. My eyebrows furrowed when sweat continued to bear on his forehead.

What the fuck is going on?

The air was knocked out of me as Talon lowered himself to one knee.

"Oh my god."


"Oh my god."

"Shut up, I'm trying to propose to you." I let out a shocked laugh and try to contain my joy.

"One day, I asked for everything. I asked for your body, your soul, and your heart. Eventually you let me in, not without fighting, but you did. And I couldn't be more fucking thankful-"

Lexi cleared her throat and gave Talon a pointed looked as Gabriel and Mina's son, Sam giggle behind their hands.

"My bad. I'm very grateful that you are in my life. I would be the happiest man on earth if you would do me the honor of being my wife." Talon looked up at me, his eyes glassy.

"Yes! Of course you dipshit!" I laugh as Talon springs up from the cobblestone and swings me around. He rains multiple kisses down on my face as I giggle like a child.

Everything settled down, and I observed Talon play with Gabriel and Sam. I watched as he tucked each boy underneath his arms and spin, making the little boys squeal with jubilation.

Maybe I should rethink that no kid thing. I thought with a smirk on my face.

"He grabbed her in his arms and that's all she ever needed."

A/N: the end! I hope you guys like my story!

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Aslin XO

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