Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

It has been a solid month, and Cyrus has yet to find me. I was happy with Talon, and it took some getting used to his possessive and overly protective demeanor. For the most part it bothered me, but on the other hand, it made me feel cherished. He cared enough to scare guys away if they made me uncomfortable. I haven't had to throat punch anyone in a long time, and it was because of Talon. No guy dared to touch, much less look at Talon Savage's girl. 

 He never really got me involved in his gang crap, and I was thankful. Actually, he told me that there wasn't much a gang anymore. It's been awhile since they had any 'gang' business to deal with. The only problem was Max. 

I have been giving Talon just enough for him to be satisfied. Just enough to have him coming back, but apparently that wasn't enough. We've gotten in plenty of fights because of it. He wants more. He doesn't just want my affection. 

Right now Lexi, Caden, Tav, Mina, Talon and I were sitting at the lake behind Talon's house. I watched with a smile as Mina pushed a surprised Tav into the freezing water with a splash. He came back up gasping and was shouting curses as he ran into Talon's house to warm up. Mina cackled like an evil witch and sat down on the sand, pulling her phone out. I peered over at Lexi who had her head laying on Caden's chest while he rubbed her back. 

Yeah, Caden and Lexi are a thing, but it wasn't a surprise. Anyone could see how Caden looked at her. Apparently they both had liked each other before Lexi got taken. Talon and I sat next to each other, not touching as we watched the water. It was getting closer to winter, so the water was already frozen over in some spots. The ice sparkled beneath the sun, slightly blinding me.  

"Olivia?" I looked over at Talon who had scooted over to sit closer to me. There was an invisible barrier between us that was full of tension and awkwardness from our fight this morning. He was really bothered that I wasn't giving myself to him completely. Him asking for all of me, was a lot to ask. I gave him my body, and it was the type of sex that made me see stars. It was addictive. I gave him my affection and attention. Wasn't that enough? 

"What?" I look away again and rest my chin on my bent knees. 

"Look at me." I comply and turn my head. I gasped as Talon's lips collided with mine, stealing my breath away. He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me down on his chest. He broke the kiss and smiled as he kissed my cheek tenderly. 

"I'm sorry I yelled at you this morning," I said. I laid my head on his chest, listening to rhythmic sound of his chest. I closed my eyes as I counted his each breath, locking it away to my memory. 

"I forgive you," he chuckled. 

"Why do you get so angry and frustrated?" 

"Because Olivia," he started, his grip tightened on me. "-I can't settle for just half of you." I opened my mouth to interrupt him, but he pinched my butt to shut me up. 

"Because I love you." My breath seized in my lungs, and my heart took off in an unsteady beat.

"I want all of you Olivia. I want your body. I want your heart. I want your soul." My eyes stung from his admission. How do I respond to that? I can't say I love you back! I mean, I do, but I'm not ready to admit that yet. Out loud at least. 

"Talon I can't-

"Don't say anything." I nodded my head and just continued to lay in the arms of my boyfriend. 

Boyfriend. I like the sound of that. 

The next day, I was getting ready for school when I heard a beep from the front of the house. I walk to my window and smile down at Talon who was sitting on top of his truck. I waved down at him with a smile. He grinned largely, lighting his usually arctic face up. I loved when he smiled, and unfortunately he only did it around me or our friends. Rarely did he ever smile in public. It was as a shame, his grey eyes always sparkled and if you looked close enough he had tiny dimples on his cheeks. 

"I'm heading out mom!" I called out from my bedroom. 

"I love you! Have a great day!" I smile as I rush down the stairs. 

"Love you too mom!" 

I ran out the door and I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off of my face as I watch Talon hop down. I launch myself into his arms, and listen to his light laughter as he swings us around once, before putting me back down. 

"You ready?" I nod then get into the passengers seat after he opens the door for me. Talon was a completely different person ever since I arrived. Especially since I found Lexi; he wasn't brooding like he was before. He had his family back together and he made sure to let me know how thankful he was every day. 

"Liv?" I look over Talon and smiled. 


"I love you." My smile dropped and I looked out of the window, softly clearing my throat. I knew that I didn't have to say it back, but I felt the need to say something

"I hold a deep admiration for you as well." I cringed at how stupid that sounded. I watched Talon's throat as he threw his head back and laughed. 

"I'll take it." We pulled up to the school entrance, but something felt off. I looked over at Talon and from the looks of it, he thought so too. Over on the side walk stood a man, one I did not recognize. I give Talon a double take and I realize that Talon knows who it is. His jaw is clenched as he looks over at me. 

"Stay in the car," he orders right before he gets out, slamming the door behind him. I scurried out, and ran to his side, earning a glare from him. 

"I told you to stay in the car Olivia." 

"And I'm telling you I don't care." with that being said, I started towards the man. 

"Olivia!" Talon yanks me back so he's standing in front of me as we walk towards the man. 

"Milton, what the fuck are you doing here?" Talon growled. My eyes widened, and I stepped to the side, hiding behind him just a little bit more. 

"Talon. So good to see you! I was just instructed to give a message to Olivia from Max. It's about dear ol' mommy." Anger spiking my temper, I push past Talon and lunge for Milton. No one saw it coming, so I was able to land a nice jab to his nose. I grinned wickedly as I watched blood pour from his nostrils. 

"Fuck! Screw you bitch!" Talon grabbed me by the waist and held me down as I thrashed around in his grip. 

"What did you do to my mom you pussy!" I screamed as him. Milton tried smiling, but winced from the pain. 

"You can still save her, if you get home in time. So chop chop." Milton scrambled away, before Talon or I could lay another hand on him. Talon grabbed my wrist as we ran back to his truck. We hopped in and my heart pounded in my chest as he started his vehicle up. 

"Talon you have to hurry," I begged. 

"I know baby." 

We pulled up to my house, and I didn't wait for Talon to put the truck into park. I hopped out and ran to the front door. I pushed the already open door down and screamed my mom's name, hysterical tears pouring down my face. I let out a heart shattering shriek as I see her body on the ground, surrounded by blood in the living room. 

"Olivia!" Talon calls my name out, but before I could turn and look at him, a cloth covered my mouth. Within seconds, my eyes roll to the back of my head and I hit the floor with a thud. The last thing I saw was my mom opening her eyes. 

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A xo

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